Warrior Babes The Second

Help Save The Blood Coven!

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Sign The Petition!

I'm putting together a list of ideas the fans can do to help keep the series going. The first step was starting a pettion. For some reason today every time I've tried to do a text link with that stupid HTLM it just hasn't worked for some reason. If someone else has a petition out there let me know and I'll add it to the list. If you have a website or blog please include the list and if you have any ideas please contact me at bloodcoven@vampireonline.com.

Things You Can Do To Help Save This Most Awesome Series By Mari Mancusi

1. Sign the petition. It has worked for TV shows so why not for a series of books. I've never heard of it being done for a book but I figured it couldn't hurt.

2. Grab an icon from Mari's Myspace page and show your support at your Myspace page or blog or website. http://myspace.com/marimancusi

3. Make shirts that say something like Help Save The Blood Coven or whatever you wish. You could go to Cafe Press and start selling them which could help in creating a Blood Coven website. As an added bonus if you do decide to put this idea into action think of those of us who would love to buy a shirt but don't have the credit card so consider a PO Box so everyone that wants to buy a shirt can.

4. Write in your blog about it and put the information in your website and make sure to contact me so I can add the ideas as they come in.

5. If you happen to have a button maker show your support by making some buttons. If you're a computer whiz you could also make some other icons that people can use in addition to the one found on Mari's Myspace page.

6. Write to the publisher and let them know that the fans want this series to continue. Make a photocopy of each of the books and send it with some sort of message.
