Warrior Babes The Second

Cordy's Diary

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Entry One
Dear Diary
Well I've finally escaped Sunnydale. Things didn't work out as I planned but I'm away from that place which is good. Instead of going off to college I'm stuck in this dingy little apartment. I can't believe how low I've sunk. Working at April Fools was the worst and getting caught was so not fun. It was sweet of Xander to buy me that dress and keep my secret. I've decided to keep a diary since I have a lot of time on my hands. I'm going to be an actress so what better place for me to be than LA. I'm just glad that I still had a little money from what was supposed to be my college fund. So I have a place to live even though it's a total dump. I've bought a book on positive thinking so I'm going to use it to help me on my quest to my inevitable stardom. I've lined up some auditions and I'm just waiting for the calls to roll in. There's a party tonight which means I can stock up on some food. I can't believe that I've been reduced to putting food in my purse whenever I go to a party. I'm so glad that no one knows me in this town. This is a fresh start for me away from that Hellmouth.
Entry Two
Dear Diary
I am so glad that I ran into Angel since he was vital in saving my neck literally. I thought those affirmations were finally kicking in when Russell sent for me. I'm not used to not getting what I want. I mean I had to sell pretty much all of my clothes for money so my closet is almost as bare as the fridge. That was amazing how Angel took those bullets for me protecting me and going over the railing like that was really scary but I felt safe in his arms well as safe as I could feel considering the circumstances. My heart was in my chest but he's a vampire and it's not like it would have killed him while it would have turned me into swiss cheese a la blood. Well that is a total benefit to being a vampire. Now I won't be so alone since he's like a friend. Besides I can use the money until I become a huge star of course. I'm glad he is letting me work for him since he is totally clueless when it comes to money. You would think that a person that's been around for a couple of centuries would have squirreled away some funds somewhere. He needs a sign and of course business cards. I'll surprise him and pick out a name since he won't do it oh I got it Angel Investigations. Simple and to the point and I'll have an angel on the card. He'd be lost without my knowledge. He seriously needs to call an exterminator. That cockroach was huge I just hope it didn't have any babies.
Entry Three
Dear Diary
I had some cards made and they finally arrived. Hmm they didn't even know what the picture was. Duh an angel 'cause his name is Angel. Angel thought it was a butterfly which is so lame but it was a better guess than Doyle. He's this strange guy that Angel's hanging out with. Doyle thought it was an owl. He's a strange one. He has visions which come with faboo headaches. I guess we all have to suffer to help out our fellow man. I have to bargain shop which is so demeaning. It won't be so bad now since I'll be getting a salary now. Still now word about any acting jobs. I guess it'll take longer than I thought. I can't believe that I'm reduced to looking through the paper for sales and totally considering the whole clipping of coupons thing. The world should be my oyster but it's just one big goose egg. I can't believe that guy thought I was a hooker. The nerve of that jerk. Hello I'm an actress not some cheap whore. Besides I'd totally be a high class one not some pathetic girl passing out cards for tricks. I have standards and is it my fault that men can be such idiots. Doyle's vision was lame not to mention useless. He needs to return it and exchange it for something better.
Entry Four
Dear Diary
Finally we got a client and Doyle has to try and bring down my good mood. She just has to pay that's how things work. When it involves whether or not I get paid she just has to. Oz popped in and he was just the same as always. He brought this ring to Angel so he could go out in the sun without bursting into flames. Spike was scary as ever but I held my own against him. He actually noticed that I'd lost some weight. Being broke will do that to you but I'm not complaining since it's much better to lose than to gain. Poor Angel got all tortured so good thing he's a vampire or he would have been a goner for sure. He shouldn't have hid that ring but that is just so typical of him. He destroyed the ring that same night which is also typical since he doesn't feel worthy of it or something. It was funny to hear Oz go on about Angel being so pale when he's pretty pale himself. If he was any paler he'd be transparent. I'd think he was a vampire except for the fact that he goes outside and doesn't go all flamey and turns into a pile of dust. I think I'll call to check up on any upcoming auditions. This whole helping Angel thing is temporary since I'm going to be a star and won't have the time to help as much although I'll help in my own way by being the best actress I can be. I'll move out of this dump and get a maid not to mention do some quality shopping. That was pretty amazing when he jumped out of the van and got all flamey and jumped into the ocean. Doyle is strange but he's ok and he grows on you after a while. He totally hits on me but who could blame him. His only chance would be if we were in a bizarro world. Well it is nice to have people to talk to. It gets lonely with no friends but that problem is solved.
Entry Five
Dear Diary
I made the decision to confront Angel about charging clients. It's all well and good to help people but bills must be paid also most importantly my salary and I can't get a raise if people don't pay. Doyle surprisingly came up with a clever way to make Angel accept pay from clients. I did come up with a good way to answer the phone. The calls haven't exactly been pouring in. I like the greeting I came up with. Angel Investigations we help the hopeless. Or did I say helpless? I'm not sure which one I decided on but it sounded good. How creepy to have someone watching you all the time and with removeable parts. That is seriously creepy. I move away from the Hellmouth and enter another world of evil. I guess you can't escape that so it's just a new type of weirdness and hey all the shoes too. It is slower than Sunnydale in that way but more evil is attracted to the Hellmouth. I'm so glad that I've never been stalked since it's very scary. So another bad guy bites the dust and we got paid for it too. An actual honest to goodness paying client. Now that was an exciting moment. How things have changed that I get giddy with delight over this. Angel said that stalking was number four on the list for most popular sports among men. I don't know what the hell Luge is anyway but it's quite popular among men. I need to try to get that image of that creepy doctor and his removeable parts out of my head. Men can be seriously evil. Men like that just make you want to give up on the whole lot of them.
Entry Six
Dear Diary
I can't believe that skanky blonde got that commercial. What kind of housewife is she? That commercial should have been mine. I can't believe my stupid landlord didn't get rid of the roaches. EWWW! Brown water is so not good. So I'm crashing at Angel's until I find a decent place to live. Would it kill him to have a lousy mirror? Just one mirror is all I ask. Is that too much to ask? I'll get the paper and start hunting for a place to live. I just need to stay positive. Till then I have a place with nice clean water and some good hair products. Alas a common bond our natural obsession with hair care.
Entry Seven
Dear Diary
Great just great Doyle find me the perfect place so of course there's something wrong with it because it's haunted. That wasn't a good night with the bed floating in the air and boiling water and other fun things. I tried to be positive but I got attacked by the curtains this morning. So now I'm stuck here waiting at Angel's place for them to call. We're going to try to exorcise the little old lady that is haunting my perfect apartment. I can't give up this place. It's perfect for me and it came furnished too. I guess that's why it had all the furniture since everyone that moves in gets scared off or ends up dead but I refuse to be.
Entry Eight
Dear Diary
Whew that was a close call. I get to keep the apartment although I do have a roommate. He's a friendly ghost named Dennis. His mother was really mean but when she said the B word I reverted back form. Yes the bitch has emerged. I'm not going to take crap from anyone especially some old lady ghost that stuck her son in the wall and killed him. Crazy bitch but she got what was coming to her having that heart attack. And people say that I'm a bitch. Ok maybe I am sometimes but it's a necessary evil and I can't always be held responsible for that since it can be out of my control. I finally got rid of that wall. I've finally decided to talk to Aura since things are looking up.
Entry Nine
Dear Diary
A fun time was had in the sewers. I should get hazard pay for that. Now that was gross and I get stuck on cleanup and he doesn't even say please or thank you. He could at least show some interest. I'll never get these stains out. I should have clothing pay since blood and grime are impossible to get out. I need to check to see if there are any auditions being lined up for me. I want out of the demon slaying biz. Sure I don't mind helping people but I need some help myself. Sure things are better but I thought I'd be in a film or a soap or even a commerical by now. Maybe a voiceover is that too much to ask?
Entry Ten
Dear Diary
Now that was disturbing. Some talking stick guy puts the whammy on everyone including Angel. I'm just glad that I was whammied because it was disturbing to watch. Be a rainbow and not a painbow. Make me yak! Yes I have a date with this really cute guy and he has money too which is a major plus. Maybe I'll get a decent meal and have a chance with a guy that is up to my high standards. I have to go shopping. That was a new kind of scary with Angel wanting to hug. Eww much! Sure I had a brief crush but that was before I knew he had a pulse not that he's not an all right guy. Maybe this guy will be the start of a whole new life for me. Pierce what a rich sounding name and he has the wallet to match. He is so my type.
Entry Eleven
Dear Diary
So much for going up in the world. That date of mine was so lame. I tried I really did but he was just so very dull. So I pretended to be sick. A vampire popped out of nowhere and Pierce ran off like a little weasel. Doyle was so brave and he staked the vamp saving me. It was so sweet of him to ask me if I was ok. I guess I should have one in my purse in case of incidents like this. Hmm now I'm seriously confused. I've always wanted a guy that's rich and handsome but now I want brave and interesting too. I can't do this again. Maybe I should give Doyle a chance and not think about how things went with Xander. Sure he doesn't know how to dress but he could have some potential if I got my hands on him. I think what he did tonight opened my eyes up to the possibility.
Entry Twelve
Dear Diary
Color me stunned when I found out that Doyle's married but now he's not. Actually Harry is a sweet girl that told me some very interesting things about Doyle. A third grade teacher with actual kids was what he used to do. I so didn't expect that since I figured he wasn't too high on the IQ charts. So I'm starting to see him in a whole new light. Pornographic Pictionary I'm still reeling from that experience. What a gross custom eating the first husband's brain. They look better in his head where they belong and can't be seen. So Doyle is safe with his brains fully intact.
Lost Entry
Entry Thirteen
Dear Diary
Buffy came to town and weirdness abounds. Angel killed some demon and now he has a pulse. Yikes he ate everything in the fridge. This is so strange with Angel now being mortal. Now he can see himself in the mirror which is pretty cool. Maybe now he'll get a mirror or two to put up around his place. Hopefully the binging is temporary since it would be a shame if he blew up since he has a pretty nice bod if he was human oh wait he is. So now Angel can be with Buffy like he like yearns for. I guess I could be happy for them since they do have that kind of love that everyone wants. I wouldn't admit it to anyone but Doyle's sort of right about me being jealous of Buffy. I can't believe I just said that. But where does that leave me? Damn Buffy for coming to town and messing everything up.
Entry Thirteen
Dear Diary
Buffy stopped by to see Angel. I guess I can't blame her after all he did the whole stalking number even though it was to protect her. This morning when he got back and had that stake in his hand I thought he was going to dust himself. I guess it was a quick visit since she was gone when me and Doyle got back. He's not one to share since he seemed more broody than usual and that's saying a lot. Good news I have an audition lined up. I really hope I get this one. I've been so close so it's way frustrating. I suppose one must suffer for their art. Haven't I suffered enough? Sure I have a nice place but now I want fame and fortune so all the losers can bow at my feet. I don't think that's too much to ask.
Entry Fourteen
Dear Diary
I came up with this great idea for a commercial. We need the money sincesince we're broke which means I don't get paid. Maybe my genius as the visionary of this commercial will get me noticed. I'll of course be the helpless victim. We could get it aired during the night which is aimed at those we want to help. I'm hoping it will help Angel get out of his funk. He needs to be out fighting evil where he's in his element and not brooding alone in the dark. How can his heart be so broken when it doesn't even beat? I guess even vampires have feelings and he does have a soul. Buffy should never have stopped by. She always has to mess things up. She needs to stay in Sunnydale and kill the beasties and leave Angel alone. I know what Angel can be called he can be the Dark Avenger. It's perfect since he's always wearing black. Maybe he could wear a cape and tights. It should get the attention of girls in need and maybe some gay guys since he's very handsome and the tights might be a turn on. I can't wait to share my idea since it could bring in clients that we so badly need.
Entry Fifteen
Dear Diary
Well this hasn't been a very good day. Angel wasn't thrilled with my idea. I can't believe he didn't tell me about that whole day thing getting rewound leaving him the only one to remember what happened. He had what he wanted most in the world and gave it back. All in the name of love and being all heroic which is a good thing since I still have a job. I can't believe that Doyle didn't tell me about being half demon. That doesn't make a person bad as I've come to learn. I never got the chance to go out to dinner with him. He sacrificed himself to save all of us. Because of him those nice demon folks are safe and sound not to mention me. I think I've come a long way from my shallow days where I just cared about me not that I don't care about me but I care about others too. Just because someone is part demon doesn't make them bad people. All I got was a goodbye kiss. If only there had been more time. Quite the kisser that boy was. That commercial we filmed takes on a whole new meaning since he turned out to be the hero this time around.
Dear Diary
I can't believe he did this to me. My audition was ruined because of Doyle's kiss. I thought it meant something but he used it to pass that hideous vision thing. And my first audition in weeks and it was a national too. That so wasn't fun and I think I might have drooled during my audtion when that vision struck. Why couldn't he have kissed Angel who is on the whole atonement path. I have nothing to atone for so why do I get this curse from the PTB? I guess I can kiss Angel to see if I can get rid of this thing. I had to get extra strength migraine pills to help ease the mind blowing pain. I can't do this again. I don't even know what the hell I saw.
Entry Seventeen
Dear Diary
I did good with that horn in killing that demon. That Barney empath guy takes me and tries to auction off my eyes and he only starts with a lousy $2000. The nerve of him I'm highly insulted. Wes showed up and I couldn't give him the visions with a kiss. It's not a very good idea to go around kissing every guy I see but it was worth a shot since I could get lucky. That guy was evil and all but he had a point about what he said. I do have something of Doyle's his most precious gift in fact even thought I'll have to stock up on the aspirin. Well that kiss with Wesley went better this time but still no sparks. I guess it could have been the accent that attracted me in the first place. I guess squealing like a girl can turn off a girl.
Entry Eighteen
Dear Diary
Hmm Angel might be killing those girls but he doesn't remember. Sure he was evil but he's good now. So we chained him to the bed just in case. He's having nightmares of the killings. This is not good he can't switch sides again not now. I need to get paid and I have this vision thing to deal with and I need him to do the fighting thing since I'm not too good with the weapons although I got lucky like with the horn and I swung a mean spatula. Well I'll have to stay positive and check the paper in the morning. My fingers will be crossed that I find another killing and see Angel all snug and chained up in his bed. Not that a murder's a good thing but him not doing the killing would be the good part.
Entry Nineteen
Dear Diary
Well the whole men are evil really came in spades this time around. So not fun being pregnant with demon spawn. I really thought Christopher could have led to something but it went up in smoke. I meet a guy that fits my criteria except for his being evil which should be a given since most men are that way. Next time I have a date if I ever date again after this I must do a background check first. Also I should listen to Dennis since he must have sensed something with the lights going on and off like that. It's just that it was so nice before everything went to hell. Also
Dear Diary
I can't believe he did this to me. My audition was ruined because of Doyle's kiss. I thought it meant something but he used it to pass that hideous vision thing. And my first audition in weeks and it was a national too. That so wasn't fun and I think I might have drooled during my audtion when that vision struck. Why couldn't he have kissed Angel who is on the whole atonement path. I have nothing to atone for so why do I get this curse from the PTB? I guess I can kiss Angel to see if I can get rid of this thing. I had to get extra strength migraine pills to help ease the mind blowing pain. I can't do this again. I don't even know what the hell I saw.
Entry Seventeen
Dear Diary
I did good with that horn in killing that demon. That Barney empath guy takes me and tries to auction off my eyes and he only starts with a lousy $2000. The nerve of him I'm highly insulted. Wes showed up and I couldn't give him the visions with a kiss. It's not a very good idea to go around kissing every guy I see but it was worth a shot since I could get lucky. That guy was evil and all but he had a point about what he said. I do have something of Doyle's his most precious gift in fact even thought I'll have to stock up on the aspirin. Well that kiss with Wesley went better this time but still no sparks. I guess it could have been the accent that attracted me in the first place. I guess squealing like a girl can turn off a girl.
Entry Eighteen
Dear Diary
Hmm Angel might be killing those girls but he doesn't remember. Sure he was evil but he's good now. So we chained him to the bed just in case. He's having nightmares of the killings. This is not good he can't switch sides again not now. I need to get paid and I have this vision thing to deal with and I need him to do the fighting thing since I'm not too good with the weapons although I got lucky like with the horn and I swung a mean spatula. Well I'll have to stay positive and check the paper in the morning. My fingers will be crossed that I find another killing and see Angel all snug and chained up in his bed. Not that a murder's a good thing but him not doing the killing would be the good part.
Entry Nineteen
Dear Diary
Well the whole men are evil really came in spades this time around. So not fun being pregnant with demon spawn. I really thought Christopher could have led to something but it went up in smoke. I meet a guy that fits my criteria except for his being evil which should be a given since most men are that way. Next time I have a date if I ever date again after this I must do a background check first. Also I should listen to Dennis since he must have sensed something with the lights going on and off like that. It's just that it was so nice before everything went to hell. Also  no sex like ever again or maybe after a really long time of dating since date three is a bit early. There are other things I can do for enjoyment. It's not like a guy is vital to my life. Sure they could be nice to have but I need a breather. Any guys I date will have to go through some screening process. I'm just so glad that Angel and Wes were there to help me out. Dennis can be so sweet. It's nice to have people that care and my very own ghost. I'm just glad that I'm back to my normal size. I really didn't enjoy being as big as a house. I'm just glad that I didn't give birth to those things. It felt good to smash that thing to bits. I think I should just go to that adult store down the street and get myself a safe toy.
Entry Twenty
Dear Diary
I am so not liking the visions. Seeing that guy being burned to death was so very gross and sad too. Why do they have to come along with a jumbo sized headache? Isn't seeing all of that bad stuff bad enough? No wonder Doyle drank so much since it must have helped kill the pain. The party went well except for Angel the black hole of despair. As if it isn't bad enough around here I find out that there are portals for demons to pop in and out of. Talk about not good. This is so cutting into time that could be spent on perfecting my craft. I'm thinking about taking an acting class since it would help me with honing my skills even though I am naturally talented. I could show them how it's done plus my agent suggested it. I need to find a way to turn off the visions during auditions and acting jobs since I don't want a repeat of that audition for that stain remover commercial. Drooling doesn't get you the job. That was such a bad moment. I need to find the off switch to these visions or maybe I could have vision voice mail or whatever you'd call it so I could get a vision later.
Entry Twenty-one
Dear Diary
That was so very wrong what the Princess did. Hello me and Wesley were helping too and she leaves us for dead. So much for gratitude. Rude much! I guess that idiot underestimated me because ofhis superiorness and me just being a girl. I certainly showed him when I got out of his clutches. Great so men from other dimensions are evil too just what we need more evil men coming here. Men can be so evil and this guy ranks up there since they treat their women like not even human. Not that I liked her since she left me to die but I do admit that I admire her for helping those women escape. It can't be fun to live in a world where you are called it and you have that ridge thing cut off which is sort of like mutilating the sexual organs or whatever. It has something to do with their sexuality. I guess she's not big with the trust but you don't abandon the people that are trying to help you out. We are the good guys after all and I did get that damn vision and all. She's like a chick demon version of Harriet Tubman. I should call to see if my agent heard anything about that commercial for laundry detergeant.
Entry Twenty-two
Dear Diary
I made brownies but Wesley went all nuts about his special knife. Angel should get knives that aactually cut through things. I got Angel to admit that he misses Doyle. I had a chat with him after he called Wesley, Doyle. I think it was because we were arguing. Me and Doyle did that a lot too. I really miss him. Oooh I have to get ready for that audition. I really think I'll nail this one. I just need to stay positive. I've already had a vision about the possessed boy so I should have no problem getting through it. My fingers are crossed but it's usually just the one vision and it's done for the day or week or whatever.
Entry Twenty-three
Dear Diary
So the box didn't quite work. Oops! How ironic that the Ethros in a strange way was trying to help by killing that boy. Ryan is an evil kid I'm just glad that Angel and Wesley saved the family from the blazing inferno the evil boy set. It's sad that there are evil humans in this world just like there are good demons. They took evil boy away so the rest of the family is safe. That kid is seriously messed up and maybe beyond help. Life goes on with bad and good things. I'm going to check my messages to see if I have any good news. The fingers and toes are crossed.
Entry Twenty-four
Dear Diary
I get an alarm system and no one uses it. I thought it was clever of me to use my birthday as the security code so Angel would know. How else is Angel with the help of Wesley going to throw me a surprise party? That Kwan whatever demon is not with the fashion sense. Normally they are peaceful demons but they are all drugged out on something that looks like pee. No accounting for taste. They really need a fashion consultant. That whole homeless person look is so not pretty. I wonder if they have money since they obviously don't spend it on clothes. That alarm turned out to be pretty annoying when the parade of demons came. Hello the stupid thing didn't even work right since the demons appeared before the alarm mentioned this and that door ajar. Talking alarms are really really stupid so back to the store it goes.
Entry Twenty-five
Dear Diary
I found a demony search place on the web. They aren't too creative with the name since it's called Demons, Demons, Demons. Well it showed Wesley that technology can come in handy since I found the demon before he could crack a book. They should have a demon dating service. Why not I'msure they need love too or at least the ones that are half human. Can't find a date 'cause of your slime? Well look no further than the Exotic Dating Service. Man I really need a hobby since demons are taking up way too much of my time. At least we have a paying client. I wonder when Angel will get back. I'm worried since he didn't check in like he was supposed to. I guess I'll get some sleep and maybe there will be some news in the morning since he could have lost his phone or something.
Entry Twenty-six
Dear Diary
Well my acting skills came in handy pretneding to be a cop although Wesley almost blew it. That was really twisted with the fight to the death match. Just like ancient Rome but with demons. Sure Wesley can be a idiot at times but we made a pretty good team in rescuing Angel. So that evil law firm gave him an out and he refused which is so typical. Yaye me the horse hair from my bracelet worked in unlocking the cuffs of death. Also he didn't get shocked again. So he was able to united the demons and gave that guy a taste of his own medicine. I just don't get the appeal of people watching others be they human or demon fight to the death. It makes no sense at all where the fun is in all that. I'm just glad that Angel's ok. He's a fast healer which is good since he really didn't look too good. Ok we set a bunch of demons free but that isn't the point. I'm not exactly sure what the point is so I'm not going to try and figure it out.
Entry Twenty-seven
Dear Diary
Well I made a major mistake. Note to self never share knowledge of vampires especially if questions are being fired at me. I was just so star struck with Rebecca and to actually hang out with her was so cool. I didn't even think about why she was asking me all that stuff. That was pretty stupid of her to drug him like that. She was so clueless about the whole vamp thing. You can't judge them by Angel since he's special with his curse and all. Ha I totally did a good acting job at pretending my water was blessed. Angelus had a point since that play just wasn't right for me. Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea to have some holy water hanging around just in case of an emergency.
Entry Twenty-eight
Dear Diary
I decided to take myself a vacation with pay of course. Like I was going to stick around with that psycho. She did a real number on poor Wes. She so doesn't deserve jelly donuts as some kind of reward for the torture thing. So I'm going to get some quality beach time in. It's been like forever. Sometimes it's like I have the life of a vampire with all those late nights except I can go out during the day. I guess I could sorta get why he wants to help her since he was pretty nasty back in the day. Well I want no part of it. I prefer sane people myself. Damn it how am I going to audition with this shiner? I'll have to cancel or reschedule or something if I can. Maybe I can see about covering it. That girl's made out of steel or something and she was like in a coma for eight months. Maybe I should learn how to fight so I stand a better shot of not ending up dead. I am not bad with staking and hitting things over the head but not much else. I hope this mess or whatever gets taken care of quickly since I don't want to go back until she's gone.
Entry Twenty-nine
Dear Diary
That group of kids got me thinking about things. It was so great to be at a party with the smell of money in the air. Sure David Nabbit isn't the least bit attractive and he's a big dork but he has a giant wallet. Maybe I could get past his looks and lack of a personality and grow to love him. It would be nice to be secure and know that I'd be taken care of always. It's not like he's the worst man in the world and he does a lot of things for charities and stuff. It also couldn't hurt my acting career either since he has connections and like everyone goes to his parties. It's a thought although that's probably all it is. Being around all that money would certainly help big time. That was one big check that David gave us. I almost wanted to frame it so I could look at it hanging on the wall. No even with all that money I don't think I could do it. Damn it! Well I better check to see if I have any auditions lined up.
Entry Thirty
Dear Diary
So the evil lawyer came over to our side for like a second. The born again lawyer got a raise so the whole conscience thing didn't take but the kids were saved which is a good. Like the saying goes a leopard never changes its spots. Oh that reminds me there is a huge sale at my favorite store tomorrow. I'm hoping those pants are still there. It so sucks that I have to wait for stuff to be on sale. It just isn't fair. Yes I am up for a hair commercial well for some shampoo anyway. I just have to do this flip thing and have it all bouncy. I've been practicing in the mirror and I so have it nailed. Ok I don't say anything but I'll be seen since I'll do a spin to show the greatness of that shampoo. I totally have no idea what it's called. I should probably try it since I could be doing a commercial for it. That could mean free hair products which would be great. Time to call my agent. David came over in a shiny cape thing. He has his appeal talking about the millions he made. Maybe I could help him with his clothes. They say the clothes make the man. That was one hell of a headache and the smells that I am so not liking. I need to have a word with those PTB and punch them in the nose if they have one and give them a piece of my mind.
Entry Thirty-one
Dear Diary
Well I'm all back in my head again. Nobody here but me. Now that was painful but it was a real eye opener too. I guess you could never really know how much people hurt and suffer unless you actually experience it through them. You can't always tell what a person's feeling just by looking at them. There is so much pain out there. So many people suffer and you can't even tell. You pass them by on the street and don't notice them screaming in pain. I really want to help as many people as I can. I can no longer ignore the lost souls in the night. I can still act but helping people will be my main focus. I'm waiting to hear about that commerical. It's not a national but I so nailed it. Angel's place burned down so we'll have to work out of my place. I invited him to stay until he got a new place but he turned me down. He's probably in the sewer somewhere. I guess I don't really have any place to put him except for the closet. I think I'll call my agent to see if I have any auditions lined up.

Entry One
Dear Diary
The sacrifices I must make for the cause. I had to leave in the middle of my scene. Well it was for a good reason since we saved the people that were going to be sacrificed. Which at least was good since things turned out not so good after that. Angel killed a good demon which that stoolie lied about. Hello can't these visions be more helpful? Now that was interesting a demon karoake bar. Well it's LA the land of the beautiful and the seriously weird. I really wanted to hear Angel sing. Of course he didn't which was a disappointment. Well this really sucks since there's a pregnant woman out there that that good demon was protecting. It would have been nice if the vision would have told me that he was good and that Angel was supposed to help him not kill him. Like he doesn't have enough stuff to feel guilty about. They really should have buttons or something. I think I'll go out and get some blood for Angel. Since my place is Demon Hunting Central I should have a supply for him. I should call about that part I was up for since I did kinda run out but I had the best reason. Ok fighting evil isn't a valid excuse since I had to leave on demon business just wouldn't come off as sane. I'll come up with something since this part is important to me. They seemed to like my interpetations on what my character would be feeling so maybe there is the slightest chance in hell that they liked me. Ok probably not since they most likely think I should be locked up in a mental ward.
Entry Two
Dear Diary
How fun Angel sent me and Wesley on a hunt with no treasure at the end. No wonder I've never seen any pictures of Angel the boy just doesn't photograph well. That paranoia demon was all creepy with all those tentacles. Wesley and Gunn were totally acting like little boys as usual. What a fun car ride that was. So the only difference in Angel in 52 and now is the hair since he's got that spikey thing going for him. He liked the gel then too. I wonder how he does his hair with no mirror to look into. That has to be the biggest downer to being a vampire. I suppose if you're ugly that would be a relief. Wesley is so paranoid and that demon got to him big time. So my place is no longer Demon Central since Angel decided to buy the Hyperion Hotel. It needs a major facelift but it's got potential and I get my apartment back so I'm happy about that.
Entry Three
Dear Diary
What a day this has been. First I get my new outfit all greasy and now my sweater is ruined. Bloodstains are impossible to get out so in the trash it goes. I think I'll ask Angel about taking care of my drycleaning bill on clothes that get dirty during work not to mention those that can't be cleaned. I don't think that's too much to ask. I'm so excited about this soap audition that's coming up. I'm so perfect for this part. I've been rehearsing and Dennis just loves it. He flicks the lights off and on to applaud at the end of each scene I do. I so need a nice bubble bath and into bed I go. Angel seemed off today and it was so strange how he let me keep the car let alone drive it. It's so strange him having a convertible when he's not a fan of the daylight. I actually think I figured out that vision I had about Gunn. It wasn't about the demon it was about him and from stopping him from totally self destructing. It also felt that I was able to help that poor girl that got slashed with that glass. He's obviously dealing with some painful loss like his sister for instance. In a way he reminds me of Angel since he blames himself for everything that goes wrong.
Entry Four
Dear Diary
What a novel concept an evil law firm. They were totally trying to use that girl for some evil reason obviously. Well now she has a chance away from her father and those trying to use her. Just further proof that men are evil and lawyers too. Hello like I didn't know that. Well ok not all since there are a few good ones but I think it's a dying breed. It's not like it's the first time that we have had a run in with those lawyers. I still haven't heard about that soap. Well I'm up for that mascara commercial tomorrow. So I'll need a full night of quality sleeping so I'll be at my best to nail that audition. Maybe I should change my hair. I think I'll put some teabags on my eyes and listen to some soothing music so I can think mascary thoughts.
Entry Five
Dear Diary
Angel was right about Darla being back. I guess that law firm is capable of anything. I am a bit worried about him. I for one think that obsession's lead to major badness. What is it with him and blondes anyway? No wonder his sleep was all weird and screwed up. How could he not know that Darla was sitting on top of him? Maybe if he was breathing he would have noticed. I got a call back on that audition. It's down to me and another girl. I know that I'll get it I just have to. It's a national commerical which will be seen all over. I just know that there will be some director out there that will see me and want to cast me in a starring role. I'd have to make sure that it was local and that I'd be able to leave in case I have a vision. I'd have to come up with an excuse like I have migraines which do come along with the visions and like have a doctor's note or something.
Entry Six
Dear Diary
I'm so glad that Angel didn't have to sing. Wow Wes pretended to be Angel and they bought it which is quite a shock. He even drank blood. Now that was quite an act and now he's got a girl too. He meet's a nice girl who's totally rich and I can't even find a guy who isn't a total loser. That demon Yeska was way ugly and in serious need of a diet and some lipo. I guess eating people really packs on the pounds. That reminds me that I need to lose those three pounds I gained. I'll never get work if I plump up. Maybe I'll start jogging or something. I don't want all my clothes to get all tight and have a button or something pop off during an audition. That may give them the wrong idea about me.
Entry Seven
Dear Diary
I'm glad that Angel got rid of that shroud thing. Who would think that a sheet would make everyone go all bad? I was even bad with the whole stealing thing. It's not like it was my fault since I was under the influence of that sheet. Wes is worried about Angel since he drank human blood. Well I for one won't tempt him by flashing my neck clevage. I'm not sure if I like my hair. Maybe I'll do something else with my hair. Angel has got to be ok since this Darla thing is getting old. What is it with him and the whole obsession thing? He said that he stopped looking for her but I'm not so sure. He's like an addict but not with a drug. He can't save everyone especially if the don't want to be. He should just move on and get to helping the people that actually want it. Well I need to get ready for my audition.
Entry Eight
Dear Diary
Oh great the obsession continues. I guess the whole guilt thing is working since he did stake her before. It turns out that she's dying. She lived for over 400 years so why not just let nature take its course. I know that he'll do anything in his power to save her even though she so doesn't deserve it. Hello she was supposed to be dead centuries ago. You can't save everyone. He always obsesses about blondes. What is that about? He is such a glutton for punishment. He'll even sing so he can help someone out. As long as he doesn't go all evil since that wouldn't be good. I'm still waiting to hear about that commerical. I did however hear about a small part in a horror movie. It turns out that I was the best screamer at the audition. It's a small role but that's something. So living on the Hellmouth helped me out for a change. I wonder what happened with Angel.
Entry Nine
Dear Diary
Well this just sucks big time. Angel fired me. He fired the one that has the visions. I shouldn't be able to be fired. I should be able to fire him since I am very important. He has totally lost it. Ok the evil lawyers barely qualify as human but what he did was so very wrong. This is just great. Darla and Dru are on the loose and they ate a bunch of lawyers. Now Angel's gone all grr. What am I supposed to do now? I'm essential since I have the visions which hurt like hell but I deal with it. I'm even thinking about going to that bar and do what I never thought I would. I have no idea what I'm going to sing. Yikes I can't believe it's come to this. At least no one will see me do this. I could use a drink or twenty. I better go before I lose my nerve. Maybe something by Madonna or maybe Shania Twain.
Entry Ten
Dear Diary
Well I wasn't the only one to show up at the bar. Even Gunn showed up and after he wall all it's no big deal. I will never drink Tequilla again. Now that is one evil drink. I think all three of us did a number but I'm kinda fuzzy on the details. I am never going to get drunk again since I am never going to touch alcohol of any kind ever again. I'm just glad that I have those pain pills for my head since I had a doozey of a headache from that vision not to mention a hangover on top of that. The green guy didn't even give us guidance so we sang for nothing. I'm just glad that we saved the girl. Wes was actually brave the ass pansy. So the three of us just have to carry on by ourselves. I had to take a long bath to get the stench of that place off me. So it's the three of us and we really need to have weapons handy in case it's needed. Cars have first aid kits so why not a kit for demon fighting. It could have stakes or axes, holy water, crosses, swords or other sharp implements. I can't let this mess stop me from continuing the mission. Maybe Wes is right about Angel just needing some time alone. I'm hurt but I have to carry on even with Angel going all nuts. Why the obsessions with blondes? I'm still ticked about the whole being fired thing. So now we need a new place to set up shop.
Entry Eleven
Dear Diary
Wes and Gunn have been driving me nuts with the whole being at my place all the time. I have banned the A word so I've forbidden the use of it in my presence. I don't understand why no one can figure out what the picture on the card is. I designed that card and damn it we're going to keep it even thought I no longer use the word. I finally got a vision and it was a doozy. I should buy stock in pain relievers. It's a good thing that I got that prescription since they help. Yes I got that part I was up for. It's something and I never turn down money and I could use it since I'm no longer getting a salary.
Entry Twelve
Dear Diary
I decided to start looking for a place to rent for our agency. I found a place but it's a bit small. It could work since it's not like we need tons of room since we'll we doing the fighting or whatever out there in the big bad city. Another big plus is that the guys won't be spending so much time at my apartment. They are out in the living room so I'm thinking now is a good time to throw them out and tell them about the place I found. There is a problem regarding the name but gettting a place is more important right now. Well the Chase Agency has a nice ring to it.
Entry Thirteen
Dear Diary
So we got that place by pooling all of our money together. The people that were there before left some stuff behind. Since we couldn't agree on a name we kept the same name. Wes made the lights go out. So I'm going to bring in a bunch of candles. Besides flourescent lights are so harsh and oh so unflattering. Ok we can't use electricity but we have a place and Gunn passed out flyers but of course the phone was dead so it never started ringing. We so need clients with money and soon. I'm trying to stay positive even though there is a funky smell that won't go away. Maybe some air freshener will cure that. What did the previous tenants do? On second thought I probably don't want to know.
Entry Fourteen
Dear Diary
Yaye we got a job that pays and they had snacks. That's a good combo. That was so cool of Virginia to get us that client and bring that basket of goodies to eat. Wes was really great. See we can totally do this with the three of us. Things are looking us and now we can get the lights back on and the phone working. Yaye I got a call back. It's just for a voice over but it's something. I haven't had a vision in a while. It was great to just let loose and have a little party. We even got a client that walked in. Things are so looking up.
Entry Fifteen
Dear Diary
Things have been slow but we did get a walk in. A slow trickle that I want to turn into a downpour. That was so creepy that third eye on the back of that girl's head. A case to throw ourselves into. So we had the big fun with the research. Well once again I encounter zombies but this time in the form of cops. Poor Wes got shot by one of them and was nearly killed. Thank God he's going to be fine but he's in such pain and I'm hoping he'll at least stay home for a few days and rest. I think it's great how Anne runs that shelter for those kids. Good for her. That girl was totally wearing my shirt. Hmm so he took my clothes. Well they are being put to good use since those kids need them and I have clothes. It's not like I'm going around naked but they were my clothes and he had no right to give them away like that. I'm just glad that the zombies were stopped before more damage was done. Talk about evil raising cops to kill and hurt people. Anne's shelter was pretty trashed but no one died which is good. I wonder if insurance would cover the damages. So it was quite a night. It was like Night Of The Living Dead only real. I never  Not a good smell but Wes is alive. I might have to burn the outfit that I was wearing. So Angel actually turns up at the hospital which gave me a perfect opportunity to give him a piece of my mind. We're doing just fine without him.
Entry Sixteen
Dear Diary
That sucks we fix Mrs Sharp's daughter and she won't pay. So much for appreciation. Her husband must be a total loser. Oh so this whole thing was just an illusion. Their kid never had a blinking eye on the back of her head. Mr Sharp needs to pull his head out of his ass. Poor Wes is stuck in a wheelchair so he's on desk duty. No fighting for him just the research thing which he's really good at. Stupid Angel showed up and stole a book and poor Wes ripped open his stiches. It was great that he stood up to him but Wes shouldn't have actually stood up. That's why he's in the chair to avoid doing that and so he can heal and not have his guts come gushing out which is so very gross to even think about. Yes I have an audition coming up that I'm hopeful about.
Entry Seventeen
Dear Diary
Note to self next time a client calls as I'm about to leave and asks me to come by and pick up payment I'll ask them to stick it in the mail or bring backup. Great I get a vision that was so not helpful. They could have warned me sooner like when I was in the cab so I could have called Gunn and Wes. So Angel came back and saved our butts. For a split second I was so glad to see him but then I remembered how he turned his back on us. I'm not sure what to think of this since he really hurt my feelings. At least we don't have to rent that office anymore since we'll be back at the hotel but this time Wes is in charge. Well I'll just be careful since he has a lot to make up for. I suppose he made a good start with saving us from those three eyed demons and catching me when I had that vision. Besides he's the only one with a car to fit all of us. I am so glad that my extra eye is gone. It was so creepy. I'm glad that I was able to get that bald spot all hairy again with that antidote spell whatever that Wes found in one of his books since having a bald patch is so embarrassing not to mention would have stopped any upcoming auditions. So all those demons are dead but unfortunately the whole Sharp family was killed. It would have been nice to get some warning on that so we would have been able to save them and get paid.
Entry Eighteen
Dear Diary
It was good to see Harmony although it ended badly. It was nice to just hang out with an old friend and be a girl even for a little while. So she's a vampire now and no one told me. I really stuck my foot in my mouth when I was talking to Willow. Well people should tell me stuff that I need to know so that things like this don't happen. Someone should have called me. I thought she was hitting on me. So Willow has a girlfriend now well good for her but I wonder what happened with Oz. Well she has someone which must be nice. Sure I've changed but I do miss dating and having a boyfriend. I am so annoyed that Angel was right about Harmony. I really don't like that since he's sorry and all but he hurt me and it's not like I can snap my fingers and make it go away. I just couldn't stake Harmony and I'm sure that I scared her away.
Entry Nineteen
Dear Diary
The visions are getting really brutal. I just can't get the image of that man out of my head. I can now go back and search which helped but it hurt like a bitch. It is so annoying to keep being asked if they can do anything for me. I felt a man stab himself in the eye and had it replaying over and over all day so I'm obviously not fine. No one can change that. I was able to get a stronger prescription to help with the headaches. I just can't understand this since he seemed happy and he has a family. Hopefully my lead will help. Well this is the price I pay and these new pills are working.
Entry Twenty
Dear Diary
Now this was quite a day. Angel was so sweet to buy me all that food. He should smile more. I am so loving my new clothes. Wow that evil lawyer is a really good singer. I'm so glad that Angel didn't have to sing since once was one too many times. What a relief. Now that is just evil and so very wrong. I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that Wolfram & Hart would use body parts to use on other people like Lindsey and his new hand. That is beyond evil. I'm just glad that those poor people were put out of their misery and that the ones that could be saved were saved. Yeesh that gives me the creeps big time to have people locked up and using various parts. So evil lawyer guy isn't quite so evil since he left Wolfram & Hart and this time for good. Damn these headaches are getting worse and the visions are lasting longer. I'm going to double up on my pills since it's getting worse.
Entry Twenty-one
Dear Diary
Yes I did it I got a commercial that I'm gonna be in. I'm so excited about it. Tonight we'll be going out to dinner. It'll have to be a short night. It will be nice to go out for a night of normalness and celebrate. I know it's just a commercial but it's a start and it will give me exposure. I do feel bad about leaving the others in the middle of a case like this but they'll kill the beastie. I'm gonna splurge a little but no wine. I don't want to be hung over and have bags the size of suitcases under my eyes. The bikini is a bit skimpy and the director is a lech but I'll just keep quiet and keep thinking about what a good break this is. I get to speak and I better start getting ready since Angel will be by in like three hours so I need to get cracking since I want a nice long bubble bath because I am aching big time. I am so grateful for Dennis and all the help he gives me. I don't know what I'd do without him.
Entry Twenty-two
Dear Diary
Now that was quite a journey. I get sucked into another dimension a hellish place called Pylea. It was a nice place except for the whole people being called cows and being slaves. Well that has totally changed now thanks to me. I'm just glad we made it back home. I must admit that it was kinda cool being a princess. I will miss Groo though and those eyes of his. I've left the place in good hands. We also rescued that girl that was missing for five years. Unfortunately when we got back Willow was waiting for us and told us that Buffy's dead. Angel of course is totally crushed. It turns out that she did it to literally save the world so she's totally a hero. It's so sad but I'm grateful since we would have come back to nothing and would have had to go back to Pylea which wouldn't have been that horrible but still this is home. She was special and I admired her and maybe I was a little jealous of her but not like of her hair or clothes or anything. 

Entry One
Dear Diary
Well Angel is still with the monks and working through his grief. I hope he comes back soon since I really miss him. He needed to be away I totally get that. It stung a bit when I saw my commercial with that other girl saying my lines. He should be blacklisted or whatever since he was a wretched troll and a sorry excuse for a producer. So we're back and I'm no longer a princess although I did manage to keep one tiara. I miss Pylea and Groo and those eyes of his and his muscles. Fred is still staying in her room except for peeking her head out every so often. Maybe when Angel gets back he'll help with her getting out into the world. She's just traded one cave for another except we give her tacos and she isn't a slave.
Entry Two
Dear Diary
I don't know what I'd do without Dennis. He's a real godsend. These visions are killing me and the doctor says that it's getting worse. I'm taking twice the amount of medication to take the edge off and feel somewhat human. Angel came back and he had gifts. He gave me a beautiful necklace. He'll probably never get over her death since she was the love of his love but he seems to be coping. I couldn't begin to imagine what he's going through. He is totally blaming himself although it's totally not his fault. I should talk to him since I don't like seeing him suffer more than he has to.
Entry Three
Dear Diary
Well I think my talk with Angel went pretty well. I'm so glad that we finally found the Queen nester. They are so nasty and fighting evil helps one feel better. It's kind of comforting I suppose. That James was one twisted guy. Poor Fred finally comes out of her room and we're downstairs trying to kill the impervious vamp. Thank God it was a temporary thing. Now we need to focus on Fred and her getting out. He needs to talk to her so I'll probably have to talk to him and then I'll probably end up talking to her. She can't stay cooped up forever since she needs to get on with her life. The first step is to have her come downstairs and join us and take baby steps from there. I don't get the girl although I'm not sure how I'd be after spending five years in a cave with no one around but myself. I might be a bit odd myself.
Entry Four
Dear Diary
That was so amazing what Angel did. I am so grateful but I am a bit worried. Sure I'm glad that my next vision will just give me a searing migraine instead of ripping me apart but I do wonder about that guy that Angel freed from Hell. That just scared me the whole being flayed and all those horrors that popped up on me. It's one thing for it to be in my head but this was beyond surround sound. I kept checking to make sure that all those boils and stuff were gone. I'm glad that it wasn't some punishment for my being such a major bitch in the past. I think that I'm a much better person now. We really should get a cook since Angel has a great kitchen or I should get Angel cooking again since he doesn't do that anymore. The best I can do is waffles. I wonder if there's a way to avoid the whole hacking into my head with the killer visions. They are bad enough without that added horror since they are taking their toll but it's all part of the job.
Entry Five
Dear Diary
Well I told Angel that he should talk to Fred and he wants me to do it. No big surprise there but he does have a connection with her. I don't get the girl but she's sweet. She talks to shrubs at least that's what it looked like. I can't really blame the girl since she did get sucked into a nightmare place the last time she went out. Maybe Lorne can help her out. I'll take her to Caritas. She'll get out and maybe she'll start venturing out into the world. Besides it might be nice to have a girl to hang out with since there is a shortage of estrogen around here. She just needs to find her way back to regular life in LA.
Entry Six
Dear Diary
Well that wasn't the kind of night out that I had in mind. I figured that Fred would sing and Lorne would help and I don't know what I thought would happen but not what happened. Instead the place gets shot up and demon blood ends up on the poor girl. I wonder if she'll ever go out again but she did prove to be tough and of course she would have to be to survive five years in hell. These things happen and she's going to have to deal if she's going to be one of the gang. Poor Lorne's club got trashed again. I wonder if he has insurance. I don't even want to know why those sisters remembered Angel so I am keeping myself blissfully ignorant even though I know. I feel so bad since I told her she was safe with me. I'm so glad that Wes was with me so she wasn't left alone there when I had to leave. Well Fred wasn't half bad at singing although it was ironic considering what song she picked. So I'm thinking she'll be ok.
Entry Seven
Dear Diary
Once again we take a case with no paying client. Well it's a good case since guys going all melty isn't a good thing. I didn't have much luck at the gym. I must be losing my touch or maybe those guys were gay or maybe they thought Angel and I were a couple or something although I told them we weren't. Now that's a strange thought me and Angel a couple. Like that would ever happen. Well I'm going to make sure he talks to Fred since she has a major crush on him that needs to be nipped in the bud quickly. It isn't fair since she doesn't know about the whole curse thing. Anyway I think Wes likes her and I think she likes him too. Once again no date for me unless I count Dennis. I think I'll have a nice warm bath and order some Chinese food. I'm just glad that I've had a break from the visions.
Entry Eight
Dear Diary
I must admit that I'm glad that Fred's staying. I'm a bit jealous of her parents since they are such great people. I would love to have parents like that. That invention of her's was quite impressive. Well now we know what part she is since she is the inventor. So she's a part of the team now so I'll get some cards with her name on them. It's always good to have another big brain around. Tomorrow we'll be painting Fred's room well I'll be charge of food and I'll just oversee the painting. Yes those shoes are on sale so now I can buy them yaye. I'm so glad that Jane called about the sale and set them aside for me.
Entry Nine
Dear Diary
That's just great I get a vision and it's a week late. Gee that was so very helpful. Why couldn't I have gotten it when there was a chance to save that woman? Wes is going to look into it so we figure out what the deal is with the late vision. I hope Wes speaks up and tells Fred that he likes her. He may as well go for it since it's like impossible to find someone who can deal with the weirdness of our world. Besides she likes him I can tell. I've been thinking about getting a website for the agency and I just know that Fred would be perfect to set it up and maybe I could have Wes help her and maybe that would get them going. It would reach a lot more people which means more money which is always good. I've asked Angel to train me since I need to know how to fight to protect myself. I can't rely on some man to come to my rescue every time I get into trouble.
Entry Ten
Dear Diary
I knew that things would come to bite us on our asses big time. That guy Angel saved from his flamey cell was pure evil. Lilah did one good thing in killing that bastard. I was happy to do it myself but Angel stopped me. I feel horrible about the things Billy's evil touch caused men to do. I know I'm not to blame and Angel isn't either the evil law firm is. What is their deal anyway? Fred had her own scare but the girl handled herself quite nicely. Maybe I'll get some flowers to cheer up the basement since it's dark and dank and gloomy. I'll get some fake flowers since real ones would probably die the second I walke down the stairs with them.
Entry Eleven
Dear Diary
Well I wasn't to smart with the sympathy with Darla. I guess I was reminded of my own pregnancy and how miserable it was even though it was for a short time. The fact that she's a vampire never entered my head. I have these teeth marks to remind me. This is so strange that Angel's going to be a father. Well my fingers are crossed that the baby will take after daddy instead of mommy. I wonder if this has something to do with that prophecy that Wes screwed up a while back. We may have to kill what Darla's carrying since we aren't sure what it is or even if it's human. Like he isn't broody enough. We'll just have to keep digging to see what's going on. It would be great if Angel could have a child since I know he'd make a great dad. Sure this is a strange situation but life is strange. Who know's what she's carrying but my fingers are crossed that it turns out good. Maybe this won't be a bad prophecy since they can't all be bad and they can be vague or you may find many possible meanings. I was upset that he lied about Darla but I guess that wouldn't be something you would want to shout from the rooftops. So I've joined that exclusive club of girls that have been bitten and have lived to tell the tale.
Entry Twelve
Dear Diary
This is so amazing. Angel has a beautiful baby boy named Connor. I can't believe that Darla actually sacrificed herself to save her son. That had to be quite a sight. I feel so lucky to have a part in this. Sure it came with the usual evil fighting but that's nothing new. This latest medication seems to be working better. Well it helps that I haven't had a vision in a while. So I guess I won't be giving that acceptance speech I have totally worked out since I am finally realizing that I won't ever be an actress. I'll just keep on doing what I'm doing since it's very important for us as long as I can because the doctor isn't giving me good news about my condition.
Entry Thirteen
Dear Diary
Well that was quite a birthday what with the going astral and all. I'm just glad that I'm solid again. So I guess I got a good demony part since I was all floaty during the vision I had. That's good and kinda cool although I tried and haven't been able to do it again. I know my mission in life and this is it. Plus I don't have to die now since the demon part will keep that from happening. I wonder if that makes me immortal. I guess I could have asked Skip but I didn't think of it at the time. Who would have thought that the spoiled rich bitch of Sunnydale would throw away that life of fame? It just isn't as important as it was before and things weren't too great for my friends. Besides it just broke my heart to see Angel suffering with the visions like that. He so needs me and I need him too and if I didn't change things back little Connor wouldn't exist and Wes would only have one arm. And I think that Fred would still be in Pylea since we never would have gone so I did the only thing I could do.
Entry Fourteen
Dear Diary
Things got a little crazy but we did earn that cash. Sure most of it is going to pay for bills and Connor's college fund but I'm hoping we can use some of it for some fun like a boat maybe. Fred still has her head which is good since that's where it belongs. Maybe I should put steel plates on my shoes since that hurt when I tried to kick one of those tin guys. I'm having no luck with the trying to float thing. I've jumped up but it's not working. Maybe if I leap off something I'll do the floaty thing. Still no sign or a tail or horns. Now that's a good thing. I don't mind having a bit of demon mixed in since the visions are such a breeze now and as a big bonus won't kill me like they were before. It would have been nice if I got some kind of instruction manual talking about my demony part and how to use it.
Entry Fifteen
Dear Diary
Ok so I fell asleep at the ballet. It's just not my thing. Things heated up with me and Angel which was so strange but not altogether bad. At least that poor girl doesn't have to keep dancing the same thing over and over again. Now that would really suck big time. The girl rejects the guy so the guy turns her into a puppet. It is so great to have Groo back but that vision was really a mood killer. So he's sleeping right now. The poor guy gets deposed which sucks but he came for me which is great. I'm just not sure if the visions will pass to Groo if we get all groiny. I don't want to lose my visionity if that's going to happen so I need to find a way around that. I'll see if Angel or Wes can find something for me. In the meantime we can avoid the shucking part and do the calm or however it's spelled. Like I know how to spell those weird words from Pylea.
Entry Sixteen
Dear Diary
I had a great time in Mexico but I really wish someone would have called me. It's just so much to process. Well I'm here now for Angel and I think I'm helping him. I made a change with my hair yet again and I really like it. I went with blonder and shorter. I thought I could use a change. It just breaks my heart to see Angel in so much pain. He won't talk about what he did so I'll have to pull it out of him. I just can't believe that Wes took Connor like that and now he's with Holtz in some hellish place which is probably worse than death. How does a person get over that? I even brought back gifts for the little guy which I threw out before Angel could see them. I need to find out what spell Angel did because there is always a price and it will come to collect soon.
Entry Seventeen
Dear Diary
Wow I glowed in the dark but like the floating I have no idea how I did it. There should be some kind of instructions but I got nothing. Now if only I could use my demony parts and figure out what I can do with them. I could so save on electricity and I'd never need a nightlight again. Ok I'd have to find a way to dim the light because that was way too bright. Wow this is so amazing that Connor is back and boy has he grown. Not exactly a friendly return but he's back which is the important thing. Groo is such a sweetie but he's kinda acting a bit odd. I'm just glad that the blue haired chick was able to close that rip. I'm hoping that nothing else came through. It just sucks that Angel was able to catch up with Connor and talk to him and not have him return to the hotel with him. I know that had to be painful to have his son back only to lose him again when he took off. I'm just worried about Connor being all alone out there but he did survive that other place so he should be fine and he takes after his dad. Angel's being all stoic but this has to be eating away at him. Great Groo is back with food. He has strange tastes but he manages if I write down what I want him to get. My sweet and sexy puppy dog.
Entry Eighteen
Dear Diary
Groo is gone and I couldn't stop him. I couldn't say that I loved him. I love us but I realized that I'm not really in love with him. Why and how did this happen? I thought for sure that this was the man of my dreams. I mean he calls me Princess and left his dimension for me. I guess I never really thought about it since I was so into the fantasy of it. Could he be right about Angel? I mean Angel's my best friend but do I love him? Well yes but am I in love with him? He must be crazy or I must be crazy since it doesn't sound totally crazy but it is. I'm gonna miss Groo. My sweet puppy dog and those eyes full of sadness as he left just rips at my heart. I hope he'll be ok. I am so stupid. Hello I am calling him a puppy which isn't the best name since he's a person and not a puppy. But me in love with Angel? This bears a lot of thinking and I'll need to talk to Angel when I figure out what I feel. I'm not even sure of that right now. Oh where is someone to talk to when I need them?
