Warrior Babes The Second

Team Angel's Handbook

The content buttons are there for a reason since apparently I haven't been keeping up too well on this page. So it's a way for me to know where each season is. I may keep them in place so if you want to go back to the contents you don't have to scroll all the way up or down.


Girls are nice. Angel
Tips On Acting Drunk
1. Make sure you have a drink in front of you.
2. Babble and hit on the guy next to you since he reminds you of your ex girlfriend.
3. Pretend you're looking for you big and shiny car.
Don't be afraid to mention a need for a breath mint.
Gauntlets worn on both wrists are excellent for holding stakes.
To avoid pesky sunlight make sure you have a bat cave with access to the sewers.
Bed time stories can be told even if a person isn't sleepy.
Helping people is good but being cut off isn't so good because a victim might turn into a snake.
We've all got something to atone for. Doyle
Get involved and make with the grownup talk.
Practice your people skills so you become good with people.
Good reflexes can impress a girl.
Asking a girl if she's happy isn't a good opening line since it can give the impression that you're a stalker.
You could pull off asking the girl if she's happy if you happen to be drop dead gorgeous.
Some people are just lonely.
Be careful who you trust.
Once a vampire always a vampire since it's not like you can cure it.
Others very likely have the same car as you so pay attention.
A good left hook can be quite effective.
When at a party make sure to grab some food for later.
You should have tissue around but a dish towel will work in a pinch.
It's a good idea to get a computer for research instead of breaking into the library.
Don't go chasing after someone into the daylight or you'll go flamey and your secret will come out.
Try to stay positive even when things are seriously bleak.
The messenger should at least drive.
If a house is lacking in mirrors and there are heavy drapes don't walk run away immediately.
A grappeling hook is a handy thing to have.
Some gates won't open even if you crash into them.
It's fun to push a vampire out of a high rise to see if he can fly.
It's kinda rude to call a person only to hang up.
It's good to have a friend when you're new in town not to mention the whole paying job thing.
Even a stiffener can be helpful.
Brooding works better in the dark.

Everyone deserves a night of fun.
When making business cards make sure the picture actually looks like what it's supposed to be.
Be careful when handing out business cards since the wrong idea might be had about what services you offer.
You shouldn't be so judgey of people.
Practice your social skills since, "Are you in need of rescuing?" tends not to work.
Instead of sitting alone in the dark you could always turn on the light.
Some gifts can't be returned.
Violence can sometimes solve a problem.
It's a really bad idea to meet a guy in a bar, go home with him and sleep with him since there will be consequences.
It's a good idea to know how to type when using a computer.
It's nice to apologize when you've been rude.
Don't tell a girl not to go somewhere that you plan on going to since it's sexist.
It's hard to meet people because the whole trust factor is an issue.
Some dreams can be very nice since not all demons are created equal.
Guys that call girls dowdy suck especially if they aren't exactly Mr Yummy since they shouldn't really say anything.
Even vamps can get their asses kicked.
Things aren't always as they appear.
If you need to hit the cop to escape apologize beforehand.
Girls have girl parts and boys have boy parts usually.
To make things more legitimate get a license and maybe put it in the name of your human pal.
Lonely people try to make connections.
Know when you're walking into a trap.
Flesh coming off along with a bloody shirt isn't a turn on for girls just tend to run away from that.
If the grappeling hook doesn't work a gun can come in handy when you need to get out of a locked room.
If being set on fire won't stop the nasty fire a few rounds to make it dead.
It's hard to get to know people. Angel
Sometimes a person just wants to go home.
Turn off the lights for more effective brooding.
Don't run through dark alleys in the dead of night.
Some guys actually keep their word.
An invoice is just paper so save the celebrating until you get the actual money.
A vampire doesn't need a hat and gun since the fangs can be quite effective all on their own.
If you are given the Ring of Amarra don't destroy it since it could come in handy later.
Some topics are best avoided.
I think the trick is laying off the ale before you start quoting Angela's Ashes and weeping like a babyman. Cordy
Be careful with who you call my little Bam Bam.
There's a time and a place for everything.
Even if a vampire isn't invited they can still do damage to your building like burning it down.
Nicknames can be revealing like Frankie Tripod.
If you don't want to speak to someone say that your other line is ringing.
You need to have faith in yourself.
Love shouldn't come with 911 calls.
If you're avoiding people disguise yourself and say something like, "House of Pies."
Sometimes you need to beat the info out of the guy.
Even slow learners eventually catch on.
A most effective way to torture is to play classical music which can drive anyone nuts.
Skin is best when it's attached.
Psychos need not lie.
Even vamps need to go out for fresh air sometimes.
Most things that live and breathe love the light and hate the dark.
The sun hates everyone so it's best to use sunscreen unless you want to look like a lobster if you have light skin.
It's through the pain that we find the truth of who we are. It strips us of our defenses we are made innocent again like children. Torture Vamp
Make pain go away by staking your torturer.
Needle nose pliers can really make you scream.
It's always best to have a backup plan since you'll likely be double crossed when working with fellow vamps.
Keep away from holes in the ceiling since your hair will get set on fire if you happen to be a vampl.

Hospitals only specialize in humans not vampires.
When running out into the sunlight run like hell and get in the water ASAP to put the fire out when you happen to be a vamp.
A promise is a promise and should be kept at all costs especially if torture was involved.
Some people are just pale not all are vamps.
A business should be run like a business which involves charging clients.
Last week's coffee can melt yoru esophagus.
Have pen, paper, and single malt beverage handy when a vision strikes.
Try adding some color to your wardrobe since the black on black look can be intimidating to some people.
Not everything has to be creepy and supernatural but it usually is.
Some things don't bear too much thinking about.
Beware of psychos that can remove their body parts just to be on the safe side check around for a floating eyeball.
No record of violence doesn't mean a person isn't a raging looney.
When you sever a limb you only have so long to reattach before it atrophies.
Leave out the yuck when you're undercover even if what you're talking about is totally yuckworthy.
Stalking is number four on the list of mens fun things to do.
It can help to be able to get into the head of a psycho stalker.
It's ok to steal from psychos.
If you're out for a walk you wouldn't be lurking around in the bushes.
Be careful of unwanted hands in the bed.
Have a weapon handy just in case you wake up with a pair of hands that just turn up in there with you.
Some things just give you the shudders.
Don't mention the fact that you're boss is an expert at the art of stalking because that doesn't inspire what you want the clients to be thinking.
Steel boxes are handy for packing away psycho body parts.
No one likes getting their limbs cut off.
If the doctor that operated on you asks you out just turn him down because it can lead to badness.
Whiskey can be relaxing and send you into sleepy land.
People need people.
Always grab a weapon when you hear a noise to be on the safe side.
Stand up to your psycho stalker and believe that you're strong and that he's weak.
If you're low on money reuse the coffee filters.
The best thing a client says is, "I never want to see you again."
You can always find something to celebrate.
The blonde usually gets the job when you're on an audition.
Some people just take more of an effort to get to know.
Brown water is a really bad sign along with the roaches since that's a sign that it's time for a new place.
It's all about moneyy, What about friendship and family and all those things that are priceless like they say in the credit card commericals. Doyle
Some demons are focused on their job.
A drawer not only holds stuff it can be used to hit someone.
Having nowhere else to go is pretty much your last resort.
Everyone is capable of stinking.
A well groomed vamp always has the best in hair care products.
Even the homely fellows need to get a chance.
Like it'd kill him not to see himself. Cordy
No wet towels on Angel's leather chair to avoid grumpiness.
Never peel off the floor because you're bored because it might be worse underneath.
It's not nice to trick people but sometimes you need to so you can figure out what's going on.
Sometimes a demon is easier to deal with than people.
You don't want to live in a place where there is chanting at four in the morning and the bathroom is all public.
If a place is perfect beware of some major badness to follow.
It's polite to introduce yourself before you attack someone.
You may not be able to get blood out of a stone but you can get it out of people and demons.
Don't challenge an angry ghost.
If you tell a vamp that he's totally invited even without a place he can come in when you get one.
Being observant can come in handy.
Don't believe everything you hear.
Ghosts can trick you with the voice of a person you know.
Not all ghosts are like Casper although some can be friendly.
Some murders can appear to be suicides.
Always have change handy in case you need to use a pay phone.
If you pick up the phone make sure you know what to say.
You can never have enough bile and lungwort.
Latin may be called a dead language but it often turns up in spells.
Sometimes you need to get in touch with your inner bitch.
Demons may lie even if you've made a deal with them.
It's really evil to wall up your son just because you hate his fiancee.
Some walls just need to be knocked down especially when there's a corpse behind it.
It's a good idea to invest in a good deadbolt.
Some people are just better with their hands.
Some people just have bigger bladders which comes in handy for those long interrogations.
Time is of the essence.
Wear rain gear when cleaning up demon parts.
Ok am I wrong in thinking that a please and thank you is generally considered good form when requesting a dismemberment. Cordy
After a dismemberment a nice long bath is essential.
It's possible to brood and show a little interest in the feelings of others. Cordy
Just because a person is reserved doesn't mean he doesn't care pulse or not.
A lame attempt is better than nothing.
Going through coroners reports can give a person the weebies.
Don't dress like a road flare since it's not exactly the height of fashion and likely never will be.
Some guys do notice a girl's new shoes.
Beware of a guy with a talking stick.
Just because someone is called little doesn't mean he really is.
Big girls do cry so do guys for that matter.
Sometimes a person just needs a hug.
If you work for a vampire expect a lot of late hours.
You should be clear with your finger signals.
Sure he ate his parents but they didn't taste like chicken since the only thing that tastes like chicken is chicken.
It's very rude to beat up on the cop that releases you from jail.
You aren't judged when you go all vamp face.
The police station should never be closed.
Ugh isn't a magic word or even a word for that matter.
There's always time to be considerate of others. Angel
Body language can be quite revealing.
You can be a rainbow instead of a painbow but it's all up to you.
When recovered from the talking stick just say you're fuzzy on the details.
Some people are in need of the whammy from the talking stick.
Some people like to spend the evening curled up with a good book.
A guy with money doesn't equal happiness since he could be dullsville.
Possessions imply wealth just like saying a guy is rich.
Just because a guy is half demon doesn't mean he's not a great guy.
If your date's a bust say you're not feelign well and have him drive you back to the place you work because your car is there.
A coward that runs at the sight of a vamp isn't good husband material.
When in doubt shoot the vamp in the foot so you don't hurt the one you're trying to help.
Blue boxes are from Tiffanys.
You should at least buy the guy that saved you a Mochachino.
Everyone has some potential.
Some people by their last name since it's more fitting especially if the guy has a girlie name.
You demon half can show up as late as 21.
A good friend is a person that does a favor without charging.
Some girls just dig demons even the red, ridgey kind.
Some people actually say what they mean.
If you're going to a bachelor party for the new guy in your ex's life bring along a friend.
It's good to know other demon languages so someone you care about doesn't get his brains eaten.
Third grade tends to come with children.

Inviting a person to a party and trying to eat his brains is just in poor taste.
It is quite handy to have a photographic family.
Throwing a vamp out the window won't keep him out of the way for long.
Some guys don't like hugs.
It's really bad when you get locked into a box and get injected in the head that makes it numb.
You don't use shrimp forks for eating brains you use a soup spoon.
A guy doesn't want to be canniblized.
Go all pincushion face for extra strength.
Sometimes it's best to say nothing.
Someone with a heartbeat needs to cheer up the one down in the dumps.
Nice guys don't always finish last. I think it. I say it. It's my way. Cordy
Sometimes a piece of wood is needed to level a desk.
A girl will be a little upset to find out her ex came to town did a little stalking and left without even saying hello.
Being able to smell blood is a handy skill.
A stake is a lot handier than a fighting axe.
Mutant Ninja demon blood can make a vamp feel weird.
Seeing your ex who happens to be the love of your life gets confusing.
Heartbreaking sewer talks should be avoided just hunt and kill.
The Lone Bar is where demons go to get patched up.
There is a cure for vampirisim after all it's Mohra demon blood mingling with your own.
Sometimes dust is just dust.
Everything becomes more real when you're suddenly mortal after over a century of being undead.
If your tummy is killing you don't keep snacking on chocolate.
If the doorway goes all glowy it means come on in to see the Oracles.
Throw caution to the windo and give in to temptation.
Seeing dead bodies as a mortal turns the stomach.
Being suddenly mortal takes time to get used to especially when it comes to fighting minions from Hell.
A mace is handy for smashing the jewel on the forehead of a Mohra demon.
To drum up business shoot a commercial.
When writing the cue cards make sure to double check like rats instead of rates.
Brooding doesn't pay the rent.
Even if the heart isn't beating doesn't mean it can't break.
Carrying the memory of a swallowed day is quite a burden especially when he got his greatest desire but gave it back to save the love of his life.
A real hero will make the greatest sacrifices.
You never know your strength until you test it. Angel
You should tell the girl about you being half demon before you ask her to dinner.
You can't keep secrets from each other. Cordy
Prentend you're playing charades if a vision strikes and you're outside where a person is passing by.
Fear can be smelt if you have the nose for it.
Demons can be the ones that are being helped since they can be good.
Vamps don't bite unless they're hungry.
Losing yourself and  hoping it'll all go away never works out.
Not all Brachens have a good sense of direction.
To appear to be on the side of the Scourge appear to kill the demon by snapping his neck.
Vamps are the lowest of the  low on the demon food chain.
The Scourge are not only blood thirsty psychotic killers they aren't too smart.
Bargain with the guy that owes your boss money so you get some of the money owed.
No good deed goes unpunished.
When in a hurry steal a bike and motor.
Expect a slap when your secret gets out without you telling her.
The greatest gift a guy can give is sacrifice his life to save the lives of others.
The good fight yeah you never know until you've been tested. I get that now. Doyle
Everyone should have a special coffee mug.
Sharing grief with others is the healthy normal thing to do.
Candor is appreciated.
Coffin I hate that stereotype. Vampires don't sleep in coffins. It's a misconception made popular by hack writers and ignorant media. In face you know we can and do move around during the day as long as we avoid direct sunlight.
Don't cry during your audition.
Removing a stain is supposed to be a happy event.
When a person is being pursued relentlessly there is a pretty damn good reason for it.
It's in poor taste to point a crossbow especially if it can easily be knocked out of the hand.
Leather can make the man plus it really goes with the bike.
Some feelings are private so don't go poking around in a person's head.
A lone wolf such as myself never works with anyone. Wesley
Beware of leather pants chaffing.
Being multilingual comes in handy along with some cash for a bribe.
Signs Of Frustration
1. Grinding teeth
2. Sighing
3. Grunting
Just because a demon's name is Barney and he seems harmless doesn't mean he is.
Don't be so revealy with some strange demon even if he's a client.
A stuffy Rogue Demon Hunter can come in handy.
Knee a guy and if that doesn't work try for some screaming.
Don't just stand there like an idiot look around for clues.
To stall for time try to up the bidding and start a bidding war.
Don't duct tape a dagger to your ankle.
If a knife isn't handy use a horn to cut the ropes.
Screaming gives the illusion of being a bad ass.
Something sharp in the back gets rid of the bad demon.
Iron to decrinkle the paper and frame it in honor of a dear friend.
Stall until you get invited to breakfast.
Just because a person is on a liquid diet doesn't mean he can't be a great cook.
Even vamps can have nightmares.
Some nightmares are actually reality.
Nobody likes a smart ass rogue deomn hunter. Cordy
It's sad to state the obvious.
Talking to a chair implies that things are slow.
If something stops yammering that is a sign of something being up.
Bags on a vamp isn't a good sign.
Avoid the sun if you're a vamp since it causes you to burst into flames.
If you're human it's a good idea to use sunscreen.
Don't neglect your studies in favor of compiling a guidebook for which you only see the need.
It's not fun to get inside the head of a psycho.
It's very rude to come into a vamp's place of business with a stake when you have no proof that he's gone all evil.
Staking and beheading a vamp is overkill.
Fear makes the blood taste better.
Better safe than cocktails. Cordy

Eating your family after becoming a vampire is always the sweetest so savor the moment.
It's a good idea to find a police radio which you'll find in a police car so you can keep track of your cop pal.
Don't go off with strangers since you could end up dead.
A gun is pretty much useless with vamps unless the bullets are made of wood of course.
Just because someone is a vamp doesn't mean he's not a person.
There's some things in this world that you're not ready to face.
Be careful who you invite in.
A long trench coat is a sign of a vampire.
Yank the curtains up so you don't get dead.
No one likes a cheesy hack prosiac vampire that goes on and on.
When doing your vamp homework go to the Ancient Eye for fun facts.
No one likes a bitchy cop.
Just knowing how to kill a vamp doesn't make you an expert.
Breaking into another vamp's lair doesn't require an invite.
Composite sketches are usually a terrible likeness.
Most girls don't like to be sniffed at.
200 years is plenty long enough to stick it to your Daddy.
It hurts to have a big chunk of wood through even if you don't go for the heart.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
People really do change. Cordy
A good friend will kill you dead if you go all evil.
Hum or make some noise when sneaking up on a person.
Somtimes it's an evil free night.
Be careful with your Bavarian Axe.
The third isn't always the charm.
I don't lounge all that well. Angel
Make sure you have the right place instead of going on about demon spawn and eggs.
We fight termites wherever they may roam may be the best you can come up with at the spur of the moment.
Killing things can be very bracing.
It takes time to find your way especially if you just inherited visions and lost someone you cared about.
Being called gay just adds mystery.
Even hot spots can become boring.
The guy with the big bag of fame and fortune is fleeting so don't hold your breath.
No matter how late it is where you are it's early somewhere.
If your ghost turns the lights up and messes with the radio take it as a warning.
Everyone loves a jaunty polka.
Threaten to play Evita starring Madonna to stop your ghost from killing the mood.
Sometimes it's not about jealousy.
Sometimes not being alone is sorta the problem waking up pregnant with demon spawn.
Flash the cash to get answers.
Being pregnant can make you grumpy not to mention the whole whoosh factor.
Amniotic fluid that eats away the tile is a really bad sign.
Beware of smelly money.
If things get weird you should ask questions.
Pregnancy can give you strange cravings and a thirst for blood not to mention your spawn talking to you when you're talking of the demonic variety.
If you're hungry order a pizza.
It's always fun when a guy begs to have his ass kicked.
A book is excellent for knocking a guy out especially one of those really big ones.
Slay the demon and poof no more evil pregnancy.
Some demons are harder to kill than others.
Brush up on your target practice since you just may need it.
Give a little TLC to the one who just had an evil pregnancy.
Best to get back on the horse. Wes
Remember that you're stronger than you think.
Of course we already know about men being evil.
LA is full of self serving phonies.
Sex is bad.
It's ok to get a little misty eyed every so often just blame it on allergies.
Actually in Hell you tend to know a lot of people. Angel
If a crate is marked Danger Hazardous Materials do not open don't open it since badness could follow like being burned to death.
Pay no attention to the strange sounds coming from the marked crate unless you want to become dead.
I got two modes with people bite and avoid. Hard to shift plus I can't get too close I mean with women. Angel
It's a sad state when the geeky rogue demon hunter is cooler than you are.
Don't hug the vamp that gives you a job.
Have a hankie ready for those times when tears are flowing.
Visions can take a lot out of a girl so keep aspirin and ice and water handy to recover from the skull cracking pain.
Find out everything you can before jumping the gun.
Two grappeling hooks that shoot from your wrists make climbing up walls a piece of cake.
If you find a stash of cash in a dead guy's office take it since he won't be needing it anymore.
Put numbers on speed dial and keep your battery charged.
Cell phones were cooked up by some bored warlock.
Blend in by taking off the coat and share your knowledge of the paintings after all you have a wealth of knowledge being centuries old.
Keep your ah ha's to ah ha's of triumph.
Gypsies have a strange sense of humor. Angel
You incinerate a few guys someone's gonna start asking questions. Angel
If you start heating up take a long cold shower.
There's a time and place for everything.
Sometimes you just have to follow your nose.
Teach your vamp boss how to use the cell phone so you can contact him.
Sometimes a guy just needs to take a shower.
Here's the plan we go in I start hitting people hard in the face. See where it takes us. Angel
Sometimes it's best to just open the door so you don't fall on your face.
I'm gonna help you whether you like it or not. Angel
Don't hit on a girl that could accidentally burn you from the inside.
It's in poor taste to leave the people that are trying to help you to die.
You should thank the guy that saved you from being castrated before you drive off.
Be careful when squashing the bad of coffee beans or they could end up on the floor and trip someone.
Some peole turn groveling into an art form.
Helping the innocent shouldn't be limited to just one dimension.
Don't eat Cordy's brownies.
Vampires are more drinkers than eaters.
Don't use an extinct demon's knife to cut brownies.
Some brownies can be used to throw at people.
IF you're not unflappable go ahead and flap.
You don't always cry when you're bleeding.
Be careful when snooping through the garbage since you might get a fright and bump your head.
No one could have said demon poo before I touched it. Cordy
Demon poo can't hurt you although it's kinda pretty to look at.
Lizzie Borden was possessed by a adolescent Ethros.
A father doesn't have to be possessed to terroize his children he just has to..be a mean son of a bitch. Wes
The first step in confronting a demon is getting him to show himself. A little cylus excalyptus powder ingested by the host goes grr and the head spins around.
Put the powder in brownies to find out who is possessed.
No it was full of roasty goodness. Angel
Hide the brussel sprouts in your napkin or your mashed potatoes.
I use chocolate because it's brown which gives them their name brownies. Angel
A person can just choke on a brownie or whatever he may be eating without actually being possessed.
If the food was really poisoned everyone would go all grr.
Binding powder ingredients should be kept in the pantry for easy access.
Place the plastic down before you pour the binding powder around the circle since it's too late once you start pouring.
Angel's Demonic Possession Tips
1. Do not break the circle.
2. It's important he'll try to get him to come to you. Don't do it.
3. Don't touch him. He's been exposed.
4. He's angry. He'll kill you if he gets a chance got that.
Some nuns can sense vampires.
Ethros are very smart and dangerous even more dangerous than vampires.
Think before you speak so something bad doesn't pop out.
It's vulgar to throw a cross to your friend who is a vampire.
If the elevator doesn't work just take the stairs.
Listen to the ones that know what they are talking about.
There's no blind Tibetian monks around when you need them.
Rock's Majick N Stuff provides all your magickal needs but sometimes a substitution is in order although it doesn't always work.
Being stabbed in the neck with a cross really hurts.
Blessed Be is a Pagan greeting.
It's good to know what you're looking for.
Mute Chinese nuns do good work like with a Shorshack Box.
Wrap your hand in a cloth to avoid a flaming hand when you need to hold a cross and you're a vampire.
Go all vamp face and say, "Get the hell out," to exorcise the demon.
Just say what you mean in simple enough terms so everyone gets what you're saying.
No planning to kill but willing to kill if needed is a good thing.
Even demons are capable of losing hope.
Never leave matches lying around where an evil child can get them and set a fire.
If the suspect is dead there's no point in reading him his rights.
It takes time to get used to the idea of demons being real.
People have a way of seeing what they need to. Angel
Checking up on someone is a sign of caring.
You should pay attention to conversations
Some demons are non violent, articulate, and gentle by nature.
There are not, not evil things. Kate
Running a two by four through someone can strain things.
Stalking is at times a necessary evil.
If you get a security system use it.
It can be a bit disorienting when you claw your way out of your grave.
Welcome to my world. It hurts I know but not for long. Birth is always painful. Darla




Offering a vamp money is not a bad idea but it tends not to work after all what's better than blood but hey there's a first time for everything.
Staying out of dark alleys is also a good idea.
Make sure you check your jacket for tracking devices.
If you have no idea what a machine is used for in your lab ask someone after all you are the big wig in the department.
Werewolves And Ghosts
1. If you're going to lie about something come up with a good one and do your homework beforehand if possible to avoid looking silly.
2. A vampire can take out a werewolf with a sterling silver pen. Maybe when they are older they slow down a bit perhaps and it was actually a really young one that put up quite a fight.
3. Don't run in the park at night since that's a prime time for werewolves not to mention other things that go bump in the night.
4. Don't go back to the van if the door is open because odds are you will just find dead bodies and get ambushed and you're out of luck if you suck at using a gun.
5. When following a ghost remember that you can't go through things although you may end up finding something useful if you do follow the ghost.
6. If someone tries to eat you for dinner don't get a case of the guilties over killing one of them.
7. Don't let the monster win by avoiding the ones you love.
8. Three nights a month locked up isn't so bad if it allows you to lead a somewhat normal life the rest of the time.
9. If you're going to lie about something make sure it's about someone that you have actually met before otherwise it's a dead giveaway.
Helpful Tips For Ghosts And Anyone Needing Some Help
   1. To make the ghostie feel a little better act scared and drop your things at the same time to make it more believable.
   2. Make sure that you eat and sleep otherwise you might go crazy and what would happen to the poor soul that you're trying to help. Six hours would be ideal and don't eat day old leftovers from takeout either.
   3. If you see someone slicing their feelers that's a really bad sign not to mention very unattractive. Also just slicing up your face just doesn't attract the ladies.
   4. If you're trapped between the world and Hell it's not a good sign if you start seeing ghosts that no one else can see.
   5. If an empty elevator opens don't get inside. You just may not like where it takes you.
   6. It's a little rude to pop up on someone in the bathroom and start making cracks about a guy's...
   7. Be careful when doing a seance because the medium may end up dead so have medics on hand just in case.
   8. Wiggley fingers on a table are pretty creepy go in the other direction and click your heels and say, "There's no place like home."
  9. If you have a piece of glass in your eye that is hurting you pull it out. That should ease the pain somewhat. It's got to be better than walking around with a piece of glass sticking out of your eye.
10. Writing on walls isn't a sign of craziness. Sometimes you just run out of room to write and need the extra space to write out your genius.
11. If you feel a spark that is a sign that someone is trying to reach out and touch you that you can't see.
12. Don't creep up on people hum or something especially if you're a vampire that is known to be all stealthy.
13. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean that there isn't something there.
14. It is a very bad sign when someone coughs up blood because it could mean that an evil spirit is killing her during the seance.
15. If a seance is necessary wear a mask and cover yourself to avoid the gross factor of being drenched in blood by a dying medium.
16. Going to Hell isn't so bad when you have someone with you for company even if it's someone that you never really liked and there's this whole rivalry thing going on between the two of you.
Ghostie Do's And Don'ts
1. He can't drink blood. Talk about sucking when you can't even get the normal sustenance for a vamp especailly when you're around other vamps that can drink blood to their heart's content.
2. He can't smoke again with the not being able to really hold things although he could probably enjoy the smell if someone would light one up for him to sniff.
3. He can't drink blood so he has to make do with the smell since nothing captures a vampire's attention like the ruby red.
4. He can't diddle his willy again because he's incorporeal sorta like the First but not in a evil way.
5. He can watch the others stumble around playing Agatha Christie.
6. He can go through walls which can really come in handy especially if you want to make a quick exit.
7. He can pick up a mug but only if he concentrates really hard.
8. He can pop into the bathroom and crack jokes so be weary when you have to go.
It's not always a good idea to leave Lorne alone with someone.
Angelus's Tips On Vamphood
Well you're new and a little dim so let me explain to you how things are now.
1. There's no belonging or deserving anymore.
2. You take what you want.
3. Have what you want.
4. But nothing is your's not even her.
5. You know you really should find a name for yourself especially if it doesn't strike the right note of terror.
6. If you want someone come and take her.
A stern warning doesn't work if you have a zero tolerance policy.
A hangover is to be expected when one does a bunch of drinking.
Sometimes it's best to mind your own business.
Dust can't kick! Tamika
Life's an every loving bitch isn't it? Spike
Going out in a blaze of glory will lose it's luster if you turn up three months later in front of the girl you gave your life up for.
Pick a new name not Doyle because that's in poor taste or at least have an Irish accent.
Don't keep the CEO in the dark.
5-12  Some guys just shave their heads and actually do have hair.
Someone saying that there's a woman behind you can actually mean that.
You won't actually lose your soul by walking into the new W&H offices.
If it wasn't asked don't bother offering.
And I'll let you walk out of her with your head still attached to your body. Angel
Sometimes irony is a bitch.
Someone recovered from chopped off hands should take up video games.
Getting your hands off requires time to recuperate.
You can only feel half the pain if only one hand got hacked off instead of both.
Beware of the stupid plumber since it can make one grumpy which can endanger the breakables.
Snooping can lead to memories of one that is no longer with you.
Kicking it old school shouldn't be said by Wesley.
If somebody really wants to stay hidden be prepared for badness.
I see fangs, I'm gonna play dentist. Angel
One that doesn't go around biting people has a better soul.
Grab the person by the ear to get their attention.
Don't insult the guy who had good intentions.
Some peolpe should stay lost instead of coming back to cause trouble.
Come on lads, no need to be gentle. We're all dead men here. Spike
The blue button shocks you so avoid pushing it.
It's an oh crap moment when smoke and rumbling start up.
Why don't they ever need the urine of an unclean? I've got plenty of unclean urine. Look uh I think I'm making some right now. Lorne
Could be worse if it had been made of wood you dumbass. Angel
Just keep trying buttons until the crystal pops up.
Give yourself a Seabreeze after giving blood for a spell.
Sometimes beating up a tiny Texan is a help.
Sometimes you are the one in need.
Goodbyes are a bitch but just go for it and go for the kiss.
I seem to recall lots and lots of Jenga. Wes
Don't work in the lab alone.
Once a brooder always a brooder.
It's very rude to break into a guy's apartment wielding stakes and crossbows and throwing around orders.
It's handy to know how to tap out a SOS code.
If you see your friend tied up don't walk farther into the room because the one that did this will come up behind you and clock you.
Don't ever go to a free virgin blood party. Turns out it's probably a trap. Spike
One minute, I'm asking a fellow why all the virgins look like gerbils. Next minute, I'm stuck in a box in this cursed ship. Spike
Most things are complicated nowadays.
Sub Survival Tips
1. Keep your head down.
2. Watch each other's backs.
3. Stay alert.
4. Follow our lead. We'll get out of this, all right?
5. Work with the enemy to get out of the bottom of the ocean.
6. Feel free to speak freely.
7. You don't always need to know why.
8. Follow orders because that's the point.
9. Being scared is understandable as long as you keep it together.
The past can come back and seriously bite you on the ass.
Check the torpedoes before I stuff you in a tube and send you for a swim, Captain. Angel
Sometimes getting the answer to a question doesn't help.
To be most effective in terrorizing the evil Nazi don't forget to put your game face on.
Hurry things up before someone gets peckish.
Well, gravy. I'll menace. You talk. Spike
That's what got the Prince's coronet into a twist, isn't it? Found out you were gonna pop our tops and melon ball us. Spike
Yeah that explains why they nicked us. Cream of the crop. Wanna build a army of vampire slaves, you start at the top with the genreals. Spike
Some blokes respect those who play both sides against each other.
You don't win a war by doing whatever it takes. You win by doing what's right. Lawson
Be careful when setting papers on fire put them in a trash can or something to avoid burning flesh.
Sometimes all you can do is hang on.
Shouting Bloody Hell! over and over again gives you something to do.
Sometimes it takes a bit longer than you expect to hit so don't assume that you were missed.
Sometimes you need to get sure fast.
Tie up the Nazi so he doesn't attack the one guy that can fix the problem.
Revenge is best served cold not frozen solid.
