Warrior Babes The Second

Angel Quiz Five



             1. What does the girl offer the vampire so he won't kill her?
            2. What advice did Angel give the girl after he saved her?
            3. Where was the tracking monitor on Angel?
            4. What did Wesley say about Fred's run on sentences?
           5. What office does Gunn want?
           6. What does Eve call Angel?
          7. What did Harmony add to the blood that made it taste pretty good?
          8. Who is Harmony's role model?
          9. What poster did Fred put up in her office?
        10. How many cars does Angel have?
        11. What is the name of the annoying opps guy?
        12. What does Angel have no problem with?
        13. Where did Corbin Fries put the bomb?
        14. What did Fred say Knox was pretending to run?
        15. What is the opps team M.O.?
        16. What lawyer came in and saved the day regarding Corbin Fries?
       17. What's more powerful than conviction?
      18. Who opened the envelope with the amulet that released Spike?
      19. What is the hazard of running the entertainment department?
      20. What did Angel fail to mention about Spike?
      21. How many people did Charles fire in two days?
      22. What is Wolfram & Hart now out of the business of?
      23. What did Spike call Wesley?
      24. What did Angel use to kill the butler with?
      25. How long did Spike spend in the basement moaning?
      26. What does Hainsley do?
      27. When is Spike allowed to haunt Angel?
     28. What does everyone want?
     29. What does Spike think Fred looks like?
    30. When did Hainsley die?
    31. According to Angel what does Spike not do very well?
    32. Who does Spike go to where he shares his feelings and asks for help?
   33. What did the gang each get out of the deal?
   34. Why does Angel borrow Wesley's pen?
   35. What's the name of the girl that got turned all growlie?
   36. What does Angel love that Spike does?
   37. What is the name of Wolf Girl's niece and sister?
   38. What did Nina call Angel after he told her that he was a monster too?
   39. What is Fred according to her?
   40. What kind of saver is Angel?
   41. What is Lorne the Jenny Craig for?
   42. What is a yelling sister a sign of?
   43. Why was Nina kidnapped?
   44. What drug was used to block the reading?
   45. How is werewolf eaten?
   46. Who is shown nudie in episode four?
   47. How many hours of sleep does Fred plan to get?
   48. How much over her budget did Fred go?
   49. What word does Angel really hate?
   50. What are prophecies according to Angel?
   51. What color does Angel say Spike's hair is?
   52. What is one thing that Angel likes about Spike?
   53. How often do they do sweeps with mystics at Wolfram & Hart to ensure against spectral intrustions?
   54. What does the ghostie chick do to Spike?
   55. What always turns out ugly?
   56. What happens after Fred asks the seance chick if she's all right?
   57. What is Spike able to write on the glass using the steam?
   58. How many Dark Soul references are about Angel?
   59. What is Wolfram & Hart built on?
   60. Instead of killing McVane what does Angel go with?
   61. What does Fred say about Spike?
   62. What floor has a crush on Harmony?
   63. What did the flyer for the Wolfram & Hart Halloween party say and what did Lorne say it sounded like?
   64. What is Lorne's advice for someone who looks a little waxy?
   65. What does Lorne do when the Lorne in the mirror annoys him with all his chatting?
   66. Who bottles stuff up?
   67. What kind of feeling do you get when you know something?
   68. What does Lorne tell Gunn to do?
   69. What makes Lorne nauseous?
   70. What does everyone do in their old age?
   71. What color is the blood that the Archduke drink and where does it come from?
   72. What did Wolfram & Hart used to do to get the ball rolling at the Halloween party?
  73. What was Devlin's Halloween costume?
  74. To get into the Halloween spirit what should you be?
  75. Where is Spike's Halloween spirit?
  76. What was Artoad's jacket made out of?
  77. For eight years straight what did Fred dress up as?
  78. What did Lorne have removed?
  79. What did Lorne tell Angel and Eve to do?
  80. Where was Artoad killed?
  81. What weird things are going on?
  82. What word couldn't Wesley not pronounce right?
  83. Who killed Artoad and dipped Devlin's chips?
  84. What does Spike say about the double?
  85. What needs to be done in order to make the elevator to come?
  86. What does Spike think about Gunna pissing in the Big Man's chair?
  87. What is the number on the mail guy's mask?
  88. What are demon contracts signed with?
  89. What does the mail go do to Angel when he tries to give him the mail?
  90. What are the five brothers called?
  91. How does Gunn descibe Angel's heart?
  92. What is the only thing that will sustain Angel?
  93. What did #5 do with the talisman?
  94. What did Angel ask for?
  95. Who is Welsey's muscle?
  96. What is the name of Wesley's father?
  97. What does Lorne say about Wesley's father?
  98. What is having sex with more common than people think?
  99. Instead of Wesley being born what did Spike think he was?
100. When did Spike first meet Wesley's father?
101. What is Wesley a genius at?
102. How many times did Wesley shoot his father?
103. What does Wesley find out about his father?
104. What's the worst thing about losing your free will?
105. What did Angelus think of William when they first met?
106. What does Spike do at Wolfram & Hart?
107. What happens when Spike gets mail?
108. What does William say about Dru?
109. When Spike was bitten by Harmony what side did she bite him on?
110. When Gunn went up to the White Room what did he encounter?
111. Where is the Cup of Perpetual Torment?
112. What color is the car that Spike took?
113. Where did Eve go to school?
114. What does William say about him and Dru?
115. Who turned Spike into a monster?
116. What was in the Cup of Perpetual Torment?
117. When Eve goes to her apartment who is waiting there for her?
118. Who matters at Wolfram & Hart?
119. What time does Harmony's alarm go off?
120. What does Harmony's mirror say?
121. Where does Harmony find her other heel?
122. What is the name of her neighbor?
123. What is the name of the guy that checks to make sure the vamps are off the human blood?
124. What is the extension for curses?
125. What happens to Eli in Accounting?
126. What is the hardest thing about the job?
127. What car does Spike want?
128. According to Spike what suits Harmony?
129. What did Lorne declare his office?
130. What did Harmony order for the demon confab?
131. What does Harmony find in her bed in the morning?
132. What does Harmony have on her thermos?
133. What did the Filthy Man Whore AKA Angel say in the clicking demon language?
134. What is the Golden Rule?
135. Who did Harmony lock in the closet?
136. What did biter is Harmony?
137. How long was Harmony clean before her test results were positive for human blood?
138. Who was setting up Harmony?
139. According to Spike what is life?
140. Who does Spike meet at the cheesey Pepermint Stick strip club?
141. What does Angel want to not hear for at least one day?
142. What happens when Spike gets played?
143. How does Lindsey describe the visions?
144. What does Spike call the girl he saves?
145. What does Fred pull out of Angel's chest?
146. What does Spike draw the line at?
147. What did Angel forget to put on?
148. What was Spike's reward?
149. While Spike was getting his reward what did Angel become?
150. What does Eve think of Lindsey's tats?
151. Who saved Angel from the bigger slimy turtle thingie?
152. How did Angel know that Eve brought him the bigger parasiste?
153. How did Dana escape the loony bin?
154. What did Dana do with the blood?
155. What former Sunnydaler paide the gang a visit at Wolfram & Hart?
156. What language is Dana speaking instead of monkey gibberish?
157. What does Dana turn out to be?
158. How did Andrew prove how much more manlier he was when he tripped over the dead guy?
159. Where did Dana hide away from the man that butchered her family?
160. Where was Dana tortured?
161. In her mixed up state who did Dana think was the one that tortured her so brutally?
162. What does blood smell like?
163. What does Dana do to Spike?
164. How was Walter Kendal killed?
165. How many tranq's was Dana shot with?
166. How  many slayers did Andrew bring with him when he did his double cross?
167. What is Spike physically incapable of saying?
168. What does Spike think about Andrew's double cross?
169. How many dead nuns did the gang find?
170. What were the nuns used for?
171. What does Wesley say about Cordy?
172. Where was the Archduke's slave hiding?
173. What did Harmony ask Cordy?
174. What does Spike have no qualms about when it comes to tresspassers?
175. What does Angel find Cordy watching?
176. What did Cordy almost tell Angel?
177. What should Wes never say again?
178. What did Cordy not miss?
179. What does Spike do to Cordy when he sees her?
180. What does Spike call Angel?
181. What does Cordy call Eve?
182. Who is an unclean?
183. Who does Angel beat?
184. Why did Cordy come back?
185. What happens when you stop using a part of your mind?
186. In 1943 what do the assholes in suits want Angel to do?
187. When Angel runs into Spike on his forced mission what color is Spike's hair?
188. What is the name of the one person Angel sired while having a soul?
189. Why was Spike dressed like a Nazi?
190. What was the ace in the hole?
191. Who is Chris?
192. What did Spike want to be called?
193. Who had the idea for experimenting with vamps?
194. What was the name fo the Nazi?
195. What did the Nazi do?
196. Why did Angel break his no biting humans rule?
197. What did Sam keep calling Angel?
198. How far away from land was the sub when Angel booted Sam and Spike?
199. What did Angel tell Sam that he'd do if he ever saw him again?
200. What was the little boy's name that the boy puppet told to touch the TV?
201. What did the victims of the evil puppets look like?
202. What excuse did Nina give her sister?
203. What does Wesley feel like he is to Fred?
204. What time is the children's TV show on?
205. What is Fred's address?
206. What's the name of the TV show?
207. What happened to Angel when he went to the set of the show?
208. What did the guy with the towel on his head say to Angel?
209. What did Angel call the remote because he couldn't work it?
210. What channel is Smile Time on?
211. Where did Angel hide so Nina wouldn't see him?
212. What is the name of the song about Lorne and his deformiwhats?
213. What did Lorne call Framkin?
214. What isn't allowed at Smile Time?
215. What did Nina do while Angel was talking?
216. What song does Fred love from Smile Time?
217. What does Fred do to clue Wesley in regarding her feelings for him?
218. How much does Fred love her Dad?
219. What is the name of Fred's bunny?
220. What does Spike prefer doing to Angel?
221. How did Wes know Gunn was unutterably cheery?
222. What won't you find in the House of Pain?
223. What were Spike and Angel arguing about and for how long?
224. What does Wes do to the guy that bothered him about something other than Fred's condition?
225. What did Gunn find in the White Room?
226. What does Lorne do to Eve?
227. What advice does Lorne give Eve?
228. How long does it take to get to England in the Wolfram & Hart jet?
229. What's Wesley's curse?
230. What does Angel ask Spike to do when they reach the tree?
231. What does Drogyn threaten to do to Spike if he's asked a question?
232. How long has Illyria been dead?
233. How many will die if Fred is saved?
234. How long has Wesley loved Fred?
235. What was the last thing Fred said?
236. What happens to the axe Wesley swings at Illyria's head?
237. What's inhuman?
238. What is Harmony really good at?
239. What is the thing that matters?
240. What is Willow doing when Angel tries to track her down?
241. What does Illyria do when Angel tries to reason with her?
242. What does Harmony have a degree in?
243. Who's on Knox's screen saver?
244. What did Wes do to Gunn when he found out what he did?
245. What did Spike get out of the Doctor?
246. What happened to Knox?
247. How long was Angel able to stop the time warp thing?
248. Who is the only one that came to the meeting that Angel called?
249. What was in the briefcase?
250. What is the name of the episode where Mercedes got added to the opening credits?
251. What term does Lorne think should be banned from the English language?
252. What is Wes's particular skill?
253. Who knows the most about the Senior Partners?
254. What weirded Angel out about the car?
255. What world did Illyria tire of quickly?
256. What kind of sun does alternate dimensions have?
257. What are the names of the fake wife and son?
258. What did the just a suit do to the security guy?
259. Where is the Wrath?
260. Whose hearts does Spike find?
261. How did the boys get out of the burbs?
262. Why was Eve afraid of the sharp dressed man?
263. What is the name of the new liasion?
264. What did Illyria put in her mouth?
265. Who unexpectedly turned up at Wolfram & Hart?
266. What do they have in the vending machines?
267. Where does Spike not want Illyria to punch him?
268. What things does Marcus make clear with Angel?
269. How old does Connor think Angel is?
270. What one thing about Connor didn't change?
271. What college is Connor going to?
272. HOw many guards did Angel kill?
273. Who worked the mojo for giving Connor a new life complete with a family?
274. Why were the henchmen sent after Connor?
275. What does Connor say about Cybervale's place?
276 What does Sahjean offer when Connor releases him?
277. Who broke the box?
278. What did Connor say that Sahjean made him?
279. What does Connor tell Angel he should do?
280. How is Gunn rescued from Hell?
281. What does Wes think would be awkward?
282. What comes out of Illyria's mouth?
283. What were Spike's feelings for Fred?
284. What is in Wes's office?
285. How many beautifully maintained lawns did Illyria destroy during her rescue?
286. What does Illyria say Wes is?
287. What makes lawyering tough?
288. Why does Amanda want to give up her unborn child?
289. What did Gun think the worst part of his vacation in Hell was?
290. What wouldn't be cost effective to cure because the patent holder is a client?
291. What is Gordaback?
292. How long did Illyria mind meld with a potted fern?
293. What are Spike and Wes?
294. Who does Illyria kill?
295. What is Angel a slave to?
296. When is it not considered murder?
297. What are the Thell?
298. What did Spike not sign on to be?
299. Why do Angel and Spike decide to go to Rome?
300. What isn't always a plus?
301. When did Angelus and William the Bloody come across the Immortal?
302. How long has the Immortal been in Italy?
303. What can Illyria can longer hear?
304. What did the whirly jig thing not suck out of Illyria?
305. Who do the boys run into in Rome?
306. Who is Buffy seeing?
307. How long did the Immortal spend in a Tibetan monastary?
308. What does Dru ask Darla to do when they go off to take a bath?
309. What are Angelus's thing?
310. What did the body turn out to be?
311. Who unexpectedly showed up on their way to Hawaii?
312. What does Illyria do?
313. What kind of love does Angel say his and Buffy's is?
314. What did Spike steal when the demon stole his and Angel's car?
315. What was the Italian Wesley doing?
316. What casualty is suffered in Rome?
317. What was in the bag?
318. What's Spike's second skin?
319. How many replacements did Spike get?
320. Who actually gives Angel and Spike some good advice?
321. Where does the head end up?
322. What does the sight of Illyria as Fred do to Wes?
323. Who kills Drogyn?
324. What is Illyria's most devestating power?
325. What kind of blood does Ernesto prefer?
326. What's the name of the abandoned amusement park downtown?
327. What did Senator Bitch want done to her competition and what's his name?
328. What do Red Devil Guy and Angel play?
329. According to Lorne who is Angel suddenly channeling?
330. What does Gunn call Drogyn?
331. How long has Drogyn been around?
332. What do Illyria end up doing?
333. Who is the poster child for Angel's nervous breakdown?
334. What does power traditionally do?
335. What is Angel crappy at?
336. Where does Drogyn live?
337. What does the Circle of the Black Thorn sound like it is?
338. Where is Angel marked with the symbol when he's becomes part of the Circle?
339. How long does the glamour last that Angel casts?
340. What did Cordy give Angel?
341. Who was the first to say he was in for the big fight ahead?
342. What kind of family are they?
343. What does the Circle not abide?
344. What does Cybervale think of Wesley?
345. Who lives out of the loop?
346. What does Angel offer Lindsey?
347. What else does Angel have besides a soul?
348. What is the first lesson a Watcher learns?
349. What reception does Spike's poetry get?
350. What did Nina make for Angel?
351. What first taping was Angel at?
352. Since Spike can't betray Angel what does he want to do?
353. What little secret does Harmony have?
354. What does Illyria say to Gunn?
355. How many windows has Angel been thrown through this season?
356. What does Angel do when he finds out that Harmony betrayed him?
357. What is Cybervale's opinion abot Wes's magick?
358. How does Gunn kill Senator Bitch?
359. What does Lorne do as his one last job for the team?
360. Why did Wesley let Illyria lie to him?
361. How was Angel able to kill Marcus?
362. Who was the first to arrive to the alley?
363. What emotion does Illyria feel?
364. How long does Illyria think Charlie Boy will last?
365. What does Angel want to fight first?

