Warrior Babes The Second
Pen Pal Lingo


Large Mail Box

Click here to email me from website.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

I am putting together a pen pal dictionary and computer lingo dictionary so I'm going to need your help. I have a form up at my other site which you can reach by clicking on the Hello Kitty above or you can email me at webmaster@slayercircle.zzn.com and mark the subject as Lingo. Thanks!


SNNP: Sorry no new pals
LLP: Long letter pals
NP: No prisoners
WB: Write back
WBS: Write back soon
TC: Take care
SM: Snail mail
NPW: New pals welcome
LLPW: Long letter pals welcome
ICR: I can return
AA: Answer all
FB: Friendbook
BF: Best friend
BFF: Best friend's forever
BTW: By the way
OMG!: Oh my god!
LOL: Laugh out loud