One holiday was loved by all at Wolfram & Hart and that happened to be Halloween. The one holiday where evil took the night off. This party was sure to be a winner. It was going to be large because veryone who was anyone had RSVPed. The Vood Department got together and made a giant wicker statue in the shape of Krisna. When the sun went down people started arriving. Anyone who was anyone in evildom be they human or demon was coming to this party. Everyone was up for a little bloodshed and fun. The party was really jumping with everyone dancing and having a good time playing games. The room that had been cleared to make space for a dance floor was also filled with tables where games were played. One table had bobbing for apples in blood. If you found the apple with the razorblad you won a prize. Knox was next in line because it was such a cool prize being offered although he wasn't sure what exactly. He was just going by last year's prize which was a trip to a dimension where he would have his every fulfilled for a week. Before it was his turn Lilah grabbed a mike and said, "Attention everyone we have a little surprise for everyone. Bring it in boys." Two guys rolled in a giant wicker effigy of Krisna. Next came a bunch of cows which were led into the wicker Krisna. They poured zambooka all over it. The cows were mooing away and the crowd started chanting. "Light it! Light it" Light it!" Lilah pulled out a light and set it on fire. It went up with a whoosh. The sprinkler system had been shut off so it wouldn't spoil everyones fun. The sounds of the cows screaming and the flames whooshing and dancing and burning brightly. The flames were actually quite pretty and mesmerizing especially to the pyros in the group. Finally the cows fell silent and out came men with knives that started cutting the cows up. Someone grabbed some cows feet and started juggling with them. There was also a room set aside for the blood drinkers. Someone had rigged the sprinklers to go off spraying blood which was a big hit since it was human blood and fresh. Earlier that evening some homeless people promised a free meal were killed and their blood was drained and one of the Shamans cast a spell to have the room rain blood. Everyone in the room was covered in blood from head to toe. As a rule vampires stayed in but the exception was the Wolfram & Hart blowout. Another area was filled with people and demons getting whipped so screams rang throughout the place. Knox was dared to eat a cow testicle which he popped into his mouth and chased it down with another drink. He refused to eat the tail but he agreed to one eyeball. Shortly after he passed out with a goofy grin on his face. When he finally woke up long after everyone had left he threw up and went home. #5 who had come in to work early that morning slipped on the vomit and fell and broke his leg so he ended up with six weeks off from work to avoid a lawsuit. He was also taken care of by a personal nurse while he was recuperating.
By Barbara Desmond