The Family Secret
Tara had a secret that loomed above her like a dark cloud. When her mother died when she was only seventeen her father sat her down for a talk. "Since your mother isn't here to stop me there is something you need to know about the women in this family. You see generations and generations ago long before my time or your grandmother's from way back there was a curse put on this family. I'm not sure about the exact details I think it was a fued over land or something but from that day on all the Maclay women have been cursed with being part demon." Tara was stunned and couldn't speak. "Now I'll take care of you and I'll even allow you to go to college in Sunnydale but I'll come to take you home just before your twentieth birthday." Tara was always painfully shy and missed her mom but she was glad that she'd be allowed to go away to school. She went to her room and got out the rose quartz crystal that had been her mom's and looked at it and was able to feel her mom's presence like she was wrapped in a blanket. She often looked at it and felt her mom nearby watching over her. The memories were all she had left except for the crystal so she thought often of the past and all the good times she spent with her mom from cooking to being taught the ways of witchcraft. Her mother had a lot of power and said that Tara did too but she thought that her mom had more power. It was their special time together and her mom always made sure that her father wasn't home to catch them for he had a bad temper and didn't like witchcraft being practiced in his home. She cherished every moment they had together although she was saddened that it had to end so soon. Even though her mom had been sick for a while and was expected to die it still came as a total shock when it did. She put the crystal away and went downstairs to start dinner for she was expected to cook all the meals and clean the house and do the laundry. Time seemed to drag till graduation and her impending freedom. Finally time came for her to go off to college where she had a dorm room awaiting her and no one to order her around with demands for cooking or cleaning or whatever they wanted. It was like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. She felt like she could breathe again and just enjoyed her time at school. Tara found out about a Wicca group on campus and decided to go. She had no idea that going to that group would change her life. The group turned out to be a big disappointment since all they seemed to be interested in was bake sales. There was a pretty redhead that she was drawn to and who was actually for real since she asked about spells. Meeting Willow was the best thing that ever happened to her and they found themselves into total synch moving as one when they moved that soda machine across the room to block the door so the monster couldn't get in. The next day they talked and from that point on they spent a lot of time together and so began a very beautiful relationship. Tara was the happiest she had ever been and her secret got pushed to the furthest corners of her mind. She hoped that somehow she'd find a way to stop that day from coming but in the meantime she'd cherish time spent with Willow and blossom into the wonderful person she always was but didn't know herself to be.
By Barbara Desmond
Cousin Carol Finds Happiness
After the wedding that didn't happen and the fighting had stopped Carol fround Krovan outside. She asked if he'd like to go out for some coffee. They went over to the Expresso Pump and talked for hours. The two just clicked and from that pint on they fell madly in love. Within six months they were married. Carol had never been so happy in her life. When she first met Krovan she liked him right away although her thoughts focused on him clearing up his face but over time that just faded away. Before they were married Krovan told her the truth that he wasn't from a long line of circus folk but a demon and all about the Hellmouth. It certainly explained the strange things that happened there that most people refused to even acknowledge at least publicly. Carol knew in her heart that this time this marriage would be forever. Even her kids loved him. As the day of the wedding arrived Carol just grew more and more excited. She asked Halfreck to be her maid of honor. Hallie was a great help in planning the wedding. They decided to go for the blood larvae instead of the traditional bridesmaid's dresses. Clem agreed to be the best man and D'Hoffryn offered to perform the ceremony. On her wedding day Carol was positively glowing. Ironically many of the guests were guests at the wedding that didn't happen for her cousin. They were actually quite lovely really and she whole heartedly embraced her demon love's world and was offered a position among the ranks of demons. She liked how Hallie was a Justice demon instead of just all about the vengeance and as a wedding present D'Hoffryn who'd become quite fond of her gave her the gift of immortality so she could be with her love forever. He also said that when the kids reached adulthood that he would give them the same option but that in the meanwhile they were most welcome among the family since that's what they all were. Carol realized that many demons are actually good and that not all are evil and she'd found the best one in Krovan. She walked down the aisle escorted by Clem who was an absolute sweetie. She was glowing as she walked toward her soon to be husband who was just smiling away and not able to take his eyes off her. Clem went to stand beside Krovan and Carol gave her flowers to Hallie to hold and the ceremony began. "Hymen's Greetings! We are all gathered here today to celebrate this union of souls in holy matrimony. We have all watched their love grow and deeper and it is such a beautiful thing to see two people so in love that it even softens my hard heart the tiniest bit and that's saying something. Now where's the ring?" Krovan turned to Clem and got the ring for him and he handed it to D'Hoffryn. "This ring is a symbol of their undying love for one another. May their love last as long as this ring remains." He handed it back to Krovan. "Now repeat after me. I Krovan take thee Carol Harris to be my wife." "I Krovan take thee Carol Harris to be my wife." At this point Carol whispered to Hallie, "Doesn't he have a last name?" "Oh sweetie most of us are too old around here to even bother with last names so I suggest lose it and just enjoy your marriage." She looked back at Krovan who was smiling at her. He mouthed I love you. She mouthed it back and D'Hoffryn cleared his throat. "We enter into a bond that isn't to be taken lightly for it will last an eternity." "We enter into a bond that isn't to be taken lighly for it will last an eternity." At this point D'Hoffryn turned over to Carol and had her repeat after him. "I Carol take thee Krovan to be my husband. We entere into a bond that isn't to be taken lightly for it will last an eternity." She looked at D'Hoffryn and smiled because she decided to drop the last name for her new life that was just before her. "Now these two have decided they would like to say a few words so Krovan go ahead." "Carol we met in a strange circumstance a blending of demons and humans and sure for the most part it didn't go well but I got the greatest gift from it you. You are such a wonderful woman and I am so lucky that I found you. I look forward to our many lifetimes that we are destined to share. I love you and I will always love you since my love for you just grows day by day." D'Hoffryn turned to Carol and told her to have her say. At this point Carol was misting up and caught her breath before she started to speak. "Krovan my life was empty before I met you. I had an empty place in my heart that I tried to fill with men that just weren't right for me because I was so desperate to not be alone and to have a father for my children. Now I have you and my heart is full to the point where it's nearly bursting. You are a wonderful man and will be a wonderful father. I have learned so much from you and I continue to be amazed by how lucky I was to take that step and get to know you. I love you my dear and I look forward to our journey into eternity. I will love you forever." "Now I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride and welcome to the family Carol." At that point a necklace appeared around Carol's neck that was similiar to Hallie's. They kissed long and passionately and everyone applauded. They went to Hawaii for their honeymoon and Hallie offered to take care of the kids.
By Barbara Desmond