Warrior Babes The Second


Welcome To The Hellmouth: There's a new girl in town with a secret that way too many people know about.
The Harvest: A potential friend is lost while two are safe and sound and the Slayerettes are born.
The Witch: Trying out for cheerleading provides some major weirdness when you are living on a Hellmouth.
Teacher's Pet: Some crushes can be quite deadly especially if she turns out to be a bug lady that wants to mate with you and bite your head off afterwards.
Never Kill A Boy On The First Date: Some guys are too into the danger thing so put your foot down before anything too terrible happens like he dies.
The Pack: Be careful when you go to the zoo since you could end up possessed which is never any fun especially when it involves eating a pig raw and the principal.
Angel: Yikes the hot man of crptic talk turns out to be one of the fang gang but the fuzzy feelings don't pass.
I Robot...You Jane: Be Careful when scanning books and answering emails since it could be a demon posing as a guy.
The Puppet Show: Hey everyone's wigged by something be it dummies, clowns, or performing in public.
Nightmares: Nightmares and Hellmouths equal extra badness so be very careful when they stary coming true and face up to them because it makes you feel better.
Out Of MInd, Out Of Sight: A girl going invisible isn't all it's cracked up to be in fact it can make you go crazy.
Prophecy Girl: Prophecies are tricky things but on the bright side CRP does the trick on a person that drowned provided that person happens to have a pulse.

When She Was Bad: Best friends will forgive the bitchitude once you've come to your senses.
Some Assembly Required: Don't raise the dead even if he is your brother and never ever agree to make a girl even if it would require cutting off Cordelia's head.
School Hard: A case of boredom can lead to impatience and plans being seriously foiled.
Inca Mummy Girl: An exchange student is all well and good but double check since it could turn out to be a life sucking mummy.
Reptile Boy: Do your homework before going to a frat party because no girl is just dying to be sacrificed to some giant snake demon.
Halloween: Don't let the tweed fool ya even a mild mannered librarian can have a dark side.
Lie To Me: Sometimes you just want the lie instead of living in reality if only for a little while.
The Dark Age: Everyone has a past and skeletons in the closet that can come back to haunt you and some can be quite deadly.
What's My Line, Part 1: Career week really sucks when you're a Slayer and you're fate is pretty much sealed in stone.
What's My Line, Part 2: Two Slayers are better than one.
Ted: Sometimes a background check is in order to avoid the horror of mom having a homicidal robot as a boyfriend.
Bad Eggs: Make sure that your egg is really an egg before eating it.
Surprise: No one wants an arm in a box for a birthday present especially if it has a killer grip.
Innocence: Many guys turn evil after you sleep with them some more so than others.
Phases: Even a werewolf needs love after all he's human most of the time except for those three days during the full moon each month.
Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered: Love spells can backfire big time so avoid them at all costs.
Passion: A stalker isn't tops on anyone's list for what they look for in a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Killed By Death: Hospitals are creepy places where death stalks his victims but one guy is out of business.
I Only Have Eyes For You: Everyone needs forgiveness even if you don't think you deserve it.
Go Fish: Never underestimate the power of a guy in a speedo.
Becoming, Part 1: Some things should remain buried never to see the light of day.
Becoming, Part 2: It's a bitch to get librarian out of the carpet so put plastic down before starting with the torturing.

Anne: Everyone needs a little alone time but no matter how hard you try you can't run away from your problems.
Dead Man's Party: Nothing messes up a party like some uninvited zombies.
Faith, Hope And Trick: A new Slayer comes to town along with an ugly ass vamp on her tail that requires a super sized stake to dust it.
Beauty And The Beasts: Never ever smack your girl around and color one stunned to find someone dead back from Hell.
Homecoming: Being hunted like animals can bond two girls that have been at each others throats.
Band Candy: It is so very wrong to use chocolate for evil purposes although it's diabolically ingenius.
Revelations: Check with the Council to make sure the new Watcher in town isn't one gone bad.
Lover's Walk: A decent spot of violence can inspire a guy to go after the one he loves.
The Wish: Be careful what you wish for because it could kill you and totally leech away any fashionable clothes.
Amends: Everything happens for a reason even being brought back from Hell.
Gingerbread: MOO is a very lame acronym.
Helpless: Betrayal stings most when it's someone you love and trust.
The Zeppo: A solo adventure can show you that you're not such a useless lump after all.
Bad Girls: Letting loose is well and good but leave out the adventures with the cops.
Consequences: Just because you're lacking a conscience doesn't mean you're a good liar.
Doppelgangland: Some spells should never be cast.
Enemies: Everyone is able to make their own choice even if it's a seriously bad one.
Earshot: Being able to hear thoughts isn't so great especially if it drives you insane.
Choices: No one likes a nosy principal butting in where he doesn't belond.
The Prom: Every girl needs that dance at the prom with the boy of her dreams even if it's just that one dance to have that perfect high school moment.
Graduation Day, Part 1: The blood of a Slayer has the healing touch.
Graduation Day, Part 2: The school suffered major damage and Snyder finally got what he deserved.

The Freshman: College takes some adjustment but for some it comes as a breeze.
Living Conditions: There's nothing worse than an annoying roommate with the worst taste in music if it can be called music.
The Harsh Light Of Day: Some guys shouldn't have certain gems especially if it renders him invicible.
Fear, Itself: Remember to read the caption under the picture to avoid feeling like an idiot.
Beer Bad: If you're mean to the bartender expect beer that turns you into cave men.
Wild At Heart: There's nothing worse than a wolf bitch who tries to kill you and utterly destroys your relationship with your boyfriend.
The Initiative: Even a vamp can find himself unable to perform.
Pangs: Sham or not Thanksgiving is a good time to get stuffed and have pie.
Something Blue: Don't do a spell when you have a broken heart to have your will done since things will get seriously wonky althuogh it could lead to a job offer.
Hush: In the strangest situations you can meet someone that will heal and open up your heart again.
Doomed: Don't poof yourself when you're wearing someone else's clothes.
A New Man: There are just some days when it's better to stay in bed.
The I In Team: Don't be so eager to join up before you know what you're getting into.
Goodbye Iowa: You mess with something that you shouldn't don't be surprised if you end up dead.
This Year's Girl: Bone up on security when the patient is a homicial killer coma or not.
Who Are You?: Things aren't always as they appear so don't be so quick to jump to conclusions.
Superstar: There's always a catch so get the facts before doing anything.
Where The Wild Things Are: Don't go all Felicity with your hair because it's a look not many can pull off.
New Moon Rising: Jealousy can get really ugly.
The Yoko Factor: Some plans don't work out quite the way you expect.
Primeval: True friends will always find their way back to each other.
Restless: Dreams are strange things especially when that strange guy with cheese pops up. 

Buffy VS. Dracula: No one wants to be a spider eating man bitch.
Real Me: Harmony gets minions which gives everyone a good laugh since there are just some people that can't handle minions.
The Replacement: Some demons are quite majestic and a day without being knocked out is a good day indeed.
Out Of My Mind: Some people are dumber than others but no smoking in a hospital is a rule everyone should follow even if you're undead.
No Place Like Home: Opening a store is even better than a library because people come in and buy things without those pesky late fees.
Family: Don't belive everything you're told and don't be afraid to ask questions if your dad claims that you're a demon which requires you to go home and cook and clean for him and your brother.
Fool For Love: Being the Slayer doesn't make you invincible in fact you have a death wish just waiting to happen.
Shadow: It sucks when you feel helpless or alone which can lead to doing stupid things.
Listening To Fear: Some hallucinations turn out to be very real.
Into The Woods: Where's a bull horn when you need it?
Triangle: Don't ever argue during a spell since you could end up releasing a troll which isn't good.
Checkpoint: Don't ever interrupt a person when she's talking because that's just plain rude.
Blood Ties: The truth always comes out one way or the other.
Crush: There are some things you don't want to know like the feelings Captain Peroxide has for you.
I Was Made To Love You: Only a guy would get the lame brain idea to make himself a girlfriend.
The Body: Life can get turned upside down literally overnight.
Forever: Loved ones are essential when a loved one dies.
Intervention: Sometimes the answer you get doesn't make sense at the time but in the future it becomes crystal clear.
Tough Love: An argument can lead to your worst nightmare coming to light.
Spiral: A motorhome is a lousy gettaway vehicle.
The Weight Of The World: Everyone has their breaking point and thinks about giving up at some point it's only human after all.
The Gift: Death is a gift when one person dying saves the entire world from suffering and death when the dimension walls go down and chaos erupts.

Bargaining, Part 1: Preparation is key when you're planning to raise the dead.
Bargaining, Part 2: No one should have to claw her way out of her grave.
After Life: Life is Hell especially when you were ripped out of Heaven.
Flooded: If you have a lead turn the water off unless you want a pool in the basement but be prepared for a very unexpected bill because that copper repiping whatever is very expensive.
Life Serial: If school isn't an optin try out various jobs to figure out what you want to do.
All The Way: A pencil can dust a vamp just as good as a stake.
Once More, With Feelign: Bursting into song can reveal what you don't want revealed.
Tabula Rasa: When you can't stop doing something it's a sign that you need help especially if you're girlfriend leaves you.
Smashed: Coming back from the dead can really change a person.
Wrecked: Nearly killing someone is a harsh way of finally realizing that you have a serious problem that you need help with.
Gone: Sometimes you just need a change like a cute new haircut.
Doublemeat Palace: When you need money and your options are limited you'll find yourself wearing a silly hat.
Dead Things: Some people unfortunately get away with murder which is so not cool.
Older And Far Away: Not giving into temptation is a sign that you're on the right path.
As You Were: There is nothing more embarrassing than having your ex come into the place you work to see you wearing a chicken/cow hat.
Hell's Bells: If you're having doubts don't wait till the day of the wedding to bail on the whole marriage thing.
Normal Again: Sometimes reality is better than hallucinating.
Entrophy: When you're in pain you may find yourslef doing something you'dnever imagined you would.
Seeing Red: Absolute bliss can turn into absolute grief when your love is ripped away from you into the arms of death.
Villians: Grief can make a person change and go a bit crazy.
Two To Go: Running on pure fury with murder on the brain causes thinking to go right out the window.
Grave: Love is a very powerful thing that can literally stop the world from ending.

Lessons: Some things shouldn't be rebuilt and you never know what you'll find in the basement.
Beneath You: You eventually have to go home and face the music.
Same Time, Same Place: Sometimes your fears become all too real and you end up getting snacked on by Gollum's brother because no one can see you.
Help: As much as it sucks big time you can't save everyone but sometimes a guy deserves being bitten by a demon.
Selfless: Sometimes you find out that you have changed in ways you never thought you would.
Him: Some closets are quite nice and can double as a bedroom for you unwanted roommate.
Conversations With Dead People: If you find yourself talking to someone dead realize that it might not actually be the person in question because your mind can play tricks on you not to mention the ultimate evil.
Sleeper: Always look for the truth and figure out what's going on before condemning a guy that might not be responsible for his actions.
Never Leave Me: Some guys just aren't cut out to be bloodthirsty killers.
Bring On The Night: Just when you think you've mastered slaying vamps a newer and bigger vamp comes to play which takes a bit more muscle.
Showtime: How does a thing that is composed of eyeballs talk and hear anyway?
Potential: When you've been doing something the longest it's up to you to take the newbies under your wing.
The Killer In Me: Some people are out for revenge some watch your back.
First Date: Even when everything is going to Hell around you it's a good idea to have some relaxing time and have a date with a cutie although some dates work out better than others.
Get It Done: A person has to do what a person has to do.
Storyteller: When the world is in danger of ending the strangest things can happen.
Lies My Parents Told Me: When you need as many fighters as you can get it's a bad idea to carry out your revenge on someone that could be a big help in stopping the world from oh ending.
Dirty Girls: Sometimes you should just stay at home especially if it means that you still have two eyes in your sockets where they belong.
Empty Places: It sucks to kick a person out of her own home but sometimes it's a ncecessary evil when things aren't going well.
Touched: Everyone needs someone even if it's your ex that you have a checkered past with.
End Of Days: Sometimes a familiar face popping up can bring a person perspective on a situation.
Chosen: Closing the Hellmouth and invoking all the Slayers can actually lead to a Slayer having a life outside the whole slaying monsters thing.
