Warrior Babes The Second

Tru Calling Quiz Two



   1. Where did Tru need to go?
   2. What is Harrison's personal best at holding down a job?
   3. Who offers Harrison a job?
   4. Where did Tru find Jack?
   5. What did Jack do that seemed very out of character for him?
   6. What was Davis running late for?
   7. What happened to Tom Jordan?
   8. What was Tru's reaction to hearing about Kate's latest save involving Jack?
   9. When it comes to dying what should someone not do?
10. How much did Jack give the little girl for her skateboard?
11. Who made the bogus distress call?
12. What did Kate want to do all day?
13. What did Tru's note to Jack say?
14. Who said Tru was the perfect woman?
15. What happens to Harrison at the hockey game?
16. Who hates small talk?
17. What did the girl say Tru seemed to be?
18. What plan did Jack come up with to render Tru powerless?
19. What did Jack call what he does?
20. Where did the idea for the guillotine come from?
21. What did Detective Gomez think of the perfume?
22. What is the one thing that Harrison knows?
23. What does Dr Allen think Davis is?
24. Where did Harrison put Tru's phone?
25. Where is Dad?
26. What was calling out to Tru?
27. What is the name of Jensen's finacee?
28. What guy noticed Tru's gift to herself?
29. What did Davis give Tru for her birthday?
30. Where are the hot dogs?
31. What can you make a canoe out of?
32. What do Jensen and Tru both hate?
33. Why was Davis nervous?
34. What was the name of the guy that Harrison saw when he was out taking pictures and yanked out the film after seeing him?
35. What strange thing happened?
36. What's the name of Megan's sister?
37. How long is Larry in jail and for what?
38. What's wrong with Megan?
39. How much is the insurance policy?
40. How much money did Jensen win?
41. What was number ten on Megan's list?
42. What's a ringing endorsement?
43. What does Jensen think is overrated?
44. What's the name of the book that Carrie is quizzing Davis with?
45. What are the hours of the Edison Tower?
46. What does Jack say about his job to Megan?
47. Who was all day with the compliments?
48. Who had never played flag football before?
49. What is Davis's big talent?
50. How long after his wife died did Davis start dating again?
51. How long did Tru wait for Jensen to ask for help?
52. How many other morgues are there in the county?
53. What name did the prisoner have tattooed on his arm?
54. What does the prisoner say to Harrison?
55. Who did Stan Kirby turn out to be?
56. Who is the Endrocrinology King?
57. What does Davis want to tell Carrie?
58. Who is Tru having dinner with on Christmas Eve?
59. Who might even sit on Santa's lap?
60. Who does Harry find Dad meeting with?
61. What are the two magic words?
62. What is the key to a happy life?
63. Where is always a good place to find volunteers?
64. Who filled in for dead Santa?
65. What does Davis think is the best gift he can give to Carrie?

