Warrior Babes The Second

Strange Days 1


Wear your running shoes when you're running late.
It sucks when you graduate from college and no family shows up.
I've got a drinking game it's called You Graduated From College And Your Family Didn't Show Up. Tru
Sometimes the children from the first marriage aren't acknowledged actually existing.
Make a good first impression on the first day of your intership by not showing up all hung over.
Be careful where you put pictures don't put them on an end table so they aren't in danger of getting knocked over which ends in broken glass.
When the funding goes so does your intership along with the cash and credibility for med school.
Insomnia's a bitch but sometimes it's drugs that give the bags upon bags.
Sometimes it just isn't a major case of deja vu becauseit's the same day all over again.
Every time I hope for someone to be no one they always turn out to be someone. Lindsay
Be careful about approaching a person who you know is gonna die because the person won't believe you if you tell them and will think you're crazy.
Take a quick looksie at the cell phone and the contents like medication and see what you can find out.
Go to someone thatk nows her and pose as a friend since you'll get more info that way.
It's not out of the realm of logic to suspect the ex boyfriend when a girl's in danger.
It's funny a girl's in trouble and everybody suspects the ex boyfriend. Aaron
The smallest detail can be helpful like the dead girl wearing the same necklace that the wife has on in the picture.
Don't go around to people and mention the thing about the girl dying since that makes you look like a big crazy.
A little self defense know how can come in handy when a scumbug decides to accost you in the elevator.
You should quit when you're ahead and don't use the house money.
Questioning your sanity implies that you're not so crazy after all.
While tampering with a person's mail is a federal offense it's ok to make an exception when there is coke in the envelope.
Different people use their time differently.
Sometimes you need to have a little faith in a person especially the sister who's trying to save your ass.
You want to know what's worse than academics congratulating themselves it's watching them eat. Mark
God it's amazing how charming a man can be when he wants to get in and how callous he can be when he wants to get out. Rebecca
A bulge in the pocket implies a gun.
Pointing a gun at someone is a really good way for someone to get hurt.
If the guy won't drop the gun kick it out of his hand.
A guy that wants to help a girl doesn't point a gun at her.
All bets must be settled immediately following the last hand.
Sometimes the Ten of Clubs helps you win which prevents a severe beating along with a trip to the hospital.
Just when you think things can't get any stranger they do.
If you can't get in by the door use the fire escape.
Tru's Strange Day
It's been the strangest day an understatement I know. Did you have anything to do with it? I don't know. I only know I wish this day had come ten days earlier. Then maybe I could have saved you too. Instead I'll wait for others. Some who've needed me longer than most. So maybe I couldn't save you. Maybe just maybe this is your way of saving me.

Well then at least get off the graveyard shift I mean all the good parties start after midnight and who am I gonna go with now? Lindsay
Ya gotta love a hot fireman.
It's maybe not the best idea to mention the f word when there's a fire blazing behind you.
Kissing up to the old windbag can make you fully tenured as long as the windbag doesn't catch on.
Check to make sure the lid is screwed on tight to avoid sugar pouring all over the place.
Harrison On Crazy
1. Running with the bulls.
2. Skydiving.
3. Dating actresses.
4. Reliving days is certifiably insane.
You should tell your best friend about dating the professor before instead of mentioning it for the first time after catching him with another girl.
Ok you can't keep secrets from your friends especially me. Lindsay
Some girls don't often fall for guys but when they do they fall hard.
At least say, "Excuse me" before reaching in and grabbing that shirt that caught your eye.
Freezing when you catch your boyfriend in the act sucks and is totally understandable but how cool is it when you get that second chance to put the jerk in his place.
Catching Him In The Act Tips
1. Humilate the bastard.
2. Make him wish he never met you.
3. Put the jerk in his place.
Remembering the exact morgue your mom was brought to doesn't exactly stick in the brain for some people.
Sending a girl eight emails is a bit excessive.
Don't come on strong just lay back a little.
There's nothing wrong with being weird and hot.
If you get your second chance don't jump the gun since it hasn't happened yet but take full advantage when it does.
A weird professor gives out weird assignments.
Say you know the cutie from his calendar and later on get to the store to see if you can get one because the guy is totally hot.
It's a bit unnerving to see the little girl not dead like she was the night before but in a good way because she can be saved from dying.
Well the first rule of fire risk assessment you wanna check all mains, all pipelines for gas leaks. Nick
A gas sniffer is used to detect the source of a gas leak. If the concentration's high enough you'll smell it.
Once it's patched you're safe and sound.
Show up where you know the boyfriend is so you can surprise him and bust him.
It was amazing to have the chance to say everything you want right in the moment. Tru
Grab the shirt before Miss Snotty swoops in.
If you have information related to an arson you need to report it to the police not run around like Nancy Drew. Nick
You can't arrest a guy for thinking about doing something. Nick
It's a good skill to be able to tell time.
I kiss you I'll fall for you and I can't do that that would be bad. Tru
You had your day and you only get one. Tru
Sometimes the one doing the asking is asking for someone else.

Try to duck to avoid the guy coming at you with a poker.
Don't leave anything on the end table that can break.
Always shower before meeting your boyfriend's sister.
The bruise usually isn't the result of a clumsy girl and the stairmaster.
Some boys move fast when it comes to love.
God I hate people in love, they always act so superior just 'cause they have someone that will actually put up with 'em. Lindsay
The third date rule is supposedly one of the great overlooked inventions of our time but in reality it's just a male invention to get a girl into bed.
It's good to have someone that believes in you.
Lindsay's Date
It was awful. It was ackward and fast and afterwards he wouldn't even look at me. He just made up some excuse that he had to get up early the next morning and ran out of my apartment. What could I do I said goodbye and ate a tube of cookie dough. So not only did I just have the worst sex of my life with a guy I really liked but I also gained two pounds. Ok you know what I'm officially over the third date rule. It's just another male invention to get us into the sack.
Hey some rules are made to be broken especially when they're really lame like the third date rule.
In the hopes that your brother could avoid a murder rap go to the dead guy and pray that he asks for help undoing the murder.
Hey who doesn't have issues.
Future few topics that are off limits with me and new girlfriend my exes and their exes.
Boats as a rule do have insides and outsides.
Call it what you want domestic violence, physical abuse it all hurts the same. Sarah
The key to snooping is not to get caught.
A self defense class is a good idea but the gun not so much.
The really classy way to procure a firearm is in an alley with some guy selling them out of the back of his van.
If you own a gun it's more likely to be used against you.
For that oh so tasteful touch wrap the gun up in a nice brown paper bag.
Tru On What She Can Do
It's not psychic at least I don't think so. I mean I'm not sure what the name for it is scientifically but in laymen's terms I relive days. People ask for my help dead people. I know I already told you that but then the day restarts and I have a chance to save them from dying. It doesn't happen every day not that, that makes it any less strange. How do you think I knew your card? How do you think I knew who's gonna win the ballgame? Even you were curious.
Tru's Thoughts
Harrison look at me. Would you look at me. I'm 22 years old and one way or the other I've lost everyone I've ever loved. Our Mother to a bullet. Our Father to lack of interest. Meredith to coke and ambition. Don't you see I can't los eyou too otherwise I'll have no one left. I'm cursed because I can see the future and if you go there right now I'll have no one without you I am all alone.
Sometimes the impassioned plea doesn't work but you got to give it a shot just in case.
Sometimes the wife is the bad guy although it's often the husband but not all the time.
Different people have different tastes in music one's bliss is another's horror.
Not killing a person isn't a sign of cowardice it's just someone that isn't a killer.
Sometimes talking leads to other things but the next time it can come out better.


If you knock over the trashcan when you're out skateboarding pick it up.
You know the secret for acing the MCATS quit cramming get some sleep. Davis
You can't know a guy's your friend's type if you haven't even met him.
Offer to chaperone on the fixup just it case he turns out to be a dud.
Don't tell a person she looks like crap because hey there is no wrong way not to take it.
Always be on time because tardiness is often frowned on.
Always have tissues on hand and please cover your mouth when you sneeze 'cause no one likes getting sneezed on.
Some names lead to more obvious puns like Tru being too good to be true.
Don't go for the girl's drink get your own you tightwad.
The forgetting to give your number is deliberate you moron 'cause no way in hell will you go out with me again.
Some med students can't handle the pressure and turn to drugs.
If you relive days death doesn't have to get in the way of helping a person.
Tru's Great Day
You ever have like one of the greatest days of your life I mean a really, truly great day and then you feel like the whole thing got erased?
Professor Crabby
We all knew the answer Miss Sanders. The question is time. Time matters to us. Time is a difference between life and death. Time has value Miss Sanders. Now please do not waste our time. For those of us who may actually become doctors our minds are the most valuable tools we possess and we must keep them sharp at all times.
The mind is the most valuable the guy should know he's the biggest tool on campus. Dan
No one likes a Zeus complex.
Some people are just naturally curious.
Some people like those that color outside the lines.
Busting your ass comes with the whole medical thing.
A good place to carry out your own version of Flatliners would be in a condemned building although it's a really dumb idea even if it works.
The urban myth about your whole life flashing before your eyes is totally true.
What are they anyway memories just chemicals located between your occipital fissure and your temporal lobe. Dan
Sometimes it isn't a single white female thing.
Nothing screws things up like the bitchy girl popping in and totally blowing your cover since you kinda borrowed her day but hey it was all for a really good cause.
No one likes a bitchy chick who thinks she's Queen of the Universe.
Sometimes the needle mark isn't from drug use it can be from playing Flatliner.
Being three hours late to your test doesn't give a good impression and if you leave you're done until the following year when you can retake the test.
One girl's cheesey pickup line can bring another girl amusement.
Knee the asshole in the groin.
Statute of limitations aside attempted murder lands your ass in jail.
I thought remembering would be the end but it isn't it's the first step. Kate
It's really lame when the guy keeps using the same line on every pretty girl he sees.
You can actually have a great day without going to the track.

You can't keep avoiding someone even though you've been doing a good job of it so far after all you do work with the guy.
Just because you sometimes think you're crazy doesn't mena you are.
I can't live like this. I keep secrets from people that I love. I can't have a normal relationship. Uh candles are gifts, boots, bath salts maybe but this is I don't know what this is do you? Tru
Tru love is never like it is in the movies. I mean when was the last time you kissed and music swelled? You're luck if you can just find a guy that can tell time. Lindsay
Tru's Dream Guy
1. A solid guy
2. Some decent conversation
3. Maybe when he smiles he'll have this little crease above his lip.
Don't plan the break up before you even go out with the guy so lose the breakup scenario.
I don't want a promotion I just want a first date. Tru
Fine but if it's romantic settings and movie moments that you're after my advice keep a little mystery because real life is not like the movies. Lindsay
Don't hit on the girl during a business meeting because that is so very beyond the realm of tacky.
It's good to get out of the morgue even now and then so go for the cutie.
For a first date don't pick a loud restaurant since that makes conversation impossible so stay away from the kitchen.
Some girls are just pros at finding the wrong guy in the room but don't mention that little skill with the guy who could very well be the exception to the rule.
Don't take out a wailing infant to dinner since that totally destroys another couple's romance vibe.
No one likes a klutzy waiter and at least apologize for spilling on a person you moron.
It's nice to see people outside of the morgue instead of in it all the time.
It's good to have all business related things done in the office to avoid lechery.
The curious ask questions it's a thing people do.
It's good to have a partner to work with in the weirdness of do over days.
Drag racing can lead to trouble of the deadly kind.
It's pretty ballsy to stand in front of a speeding car.
Here's a hint girls in the movies like guys for their cars but girls in real life like guys for who they are. Tru
Make sure for your second first date if you want to go to the same place make sure you get a table away from the kitchen.
Skip the work talk and turn off the phones and let the questions begin.
Luc's Stats
Favorite Sport: Baseballs
Prefers Red Vines
First Kiss: Mandy Banks 5th grade
Worst Gift Gave A Girl: Adrian O'Malley 13 a gold necklace that cost $3.95 which turned her neck green.
Tru's Stats
No really I'm insane because I'm about to walk out on a date that's actually working but there's just somewhere I have to be. Tru
Sometimes there are two Juliets.
Leave just long enough to catch the slimeball and this time no demotion happens.
Don't get in the car with the guy who just caught you with his girlfriend.
Don't forget to change the oil in your car every so often to keep it in shape not to mention running.
Don't keep pushing the car especially when your sister is in the car.
High Schoolm is tough enough without the being gay part which complicates things because people can be cruel.
Sometimes just begin able to talk to someone can make it a lot easier you know. Tru
You can't talk your way out of it when you're caught red handed on the couch.
You know when most girls get up and run away during the first date it's usually a bad sign. Luc

A bottle of olives and baking soda aren't good munchies for a party.
There's nothing more ackward than to have your ex call up while your current is at your place making breakfast.
See here's the thing what you want really doesn't matter know why because you're the one who cheated. Tru
If the guy asks who was on the phone just tell him the truth to avoid a bad possible moment later on.
No, no I'm glad you did. Look if you and I can't be honest with each other what else do we have. Luc
Lindsay On Post Hookup Etiquette
Still post hookup you give a girl a call, you know maybe send flowers, make the girl feel special.
You need a knife to cut limes and besides who can turn down a sale.
Some girls just love those cute Pez dispensers because they're so kitchy.
When the week stretches to eight days a girl really needs a break.
Party Eats
1. Chips
2. Dips
3. Whole lot of beer
Lindsay On Stalkers
That's what stalkers do. They just happen to be in your market and then they just happen to follow you home and then they just happen to chop your head off and seal it in a baggie.
No one likes a stalker moment.
Put telemarkerters in their place because no one likes them.
A knife can come with instructions and if it can cut through rebar so much the better because you know you got your money's worth.
Keep breakables away from clumsy party goers so a vase doesn't get broken put it in your bedroom.
You know what they say priceless heirlooms are made to be broken. Tru
Some think selling shoes is way better than tagging toes at the morgue.
Don't give a girl a gift with an inscription with some other peoples names.
You never know what you'll find in a pawn shop.
If your neighbor is having a party and the music is loud try asking the person to turn down the music before threatening to call the police and actually listen for the answer.
When a person doesn't own a car they have no need for a parking spot.
Invite the creep neighbor to your party to avoid complains since he'll be part of the noise making.
It's really tacky for an ex to crash the party desperate to talk.
Nothing ends a party faster than running out of booze.
You gotta love a guy that cleans up after the party while you hit the sack.
There's nothing more annoying than a car alarm going off at three in the morning.
No one likes waking up with the dead ex by her bed.
Don't forget to invite all of your friends to the party.
Because I know you. You save lives. You don't take them. Davis
You can never have too many friends.
Lying isn't a good way to being a relationship especially when you get busted.
To avoid the vase breaking the second time try moving it.
Get rid of the murder weapon before it can be used in a murder that hasn't happened yet.
If the girl has weird tastes get her something weird.
A photographer can often be found in the dark room.
Tru's Sound Advice
Listen if you're looking for neat and easy then yeah you're probbaly right you got the wrong girl. But if you think you can handle something a little more complicated then stick around won't be sorry. Tru
Guys can be small as in being 5' 4" and right handed just like girls can.
To liven up a party bring out the karoake machine 'cause everyone loves that.
Sometimes you need a clear head so lay off the special punch.
When limes are involved a knife is sure to follow.
The hostess should mingle not go up on the roof.

Murder won't help you get into medical school.
So take it back. You don't like the way things went down the first time do something about it. No you're giving up you hurt Mark your life actually becomes the sob story you think it is. Tru
Love always make a person stronger and able to do something that may seem impossible.
Good things don't come easy they need hard work.

Tru's Reasons For Being Happy
1. 22 and healthy
2. Works with nice guy
3. Cute boy can almost call boyfriend
4. Every week or so get a shout out from a corpse.
Reliving Day Perks
1. Bad date do it over
2. Bad outfit quick wardrobe change
3. Premature death prevent it from happening.
Tru's Thoughts
It's kinda hard to tell someone who doesn't want to talk to you. And it's funny I can prevent death but Ic an't make a father take interest in his own daughter.
When the doc wants to talk for a moment it tends to be bad news.
Don't shoot first and ask questions later.
It'll take more than a train derailment to keep us apart. Luc
Harrison On How Not To Get The Job
Let's be honest what is a "resume" anyway? A list of jobs that didn't work out. No uh seriously I believe in stating fresh. I'm always looking forward never back. Mmm laughs a lot of laughs Marjorie.
When in a job interview stay away from using the first name unless they tell you it's all right.
Interview Faux Paus
1. Wore wrong thing
2. Said the wrong ting
3. Didn't bring a resume
If your Father only calls every five years there's no need to jump up and call him right back.
Yeah our father who are in grudge. Tru
On Davis
Cut in a he's so not my type of way. Meredit
Ya gotta love a flawless upper dermal layer.
Don't talk morgue takle when out to lunch with a pretty girl.

There's at least one person in the world who's not a Lord Of The Rings fan as hard as that is to believe.
It's so rude to ride off with some buff baliff on his hog.
Directions on how to get to Cleveland are worthless if that's now what you're heading.
It's a shame no one should have to die alone. Davis
To avoid your night together getting ruined by train derailment be weirdly impressive so your guy doesn't get stuck in Rodgechester.
No one likes a nurse that's bitchy and unwilling to bend the rules regarding visiting hours.
Tru On Having A Few Hours To LIve
1. Cry
2. Get drunk
3. Say goodbye
Sometimes you get busted and bomb whe you get the skinny on the girl.
Well let me tell you something Tru doesn't know about me. I don't want a guy to be just like me. I want a guy to be himself that's what really impresses me. Meredith
Sometimes being yourself doesn't work but hey there are other fish in the sea.
Jake's Story
I was eighteen stationed at MacCalistar. She was finishing her senior year in high school. Oh yeah, yeah crazy love like I saw her and I just knew. Luckily she felt the same way or so I thought. I don't know that's just it I had a forty-eight hour pass before I was shipped out the greatest two days of my life just me and Bridget then I deployed and a telegram showed up. She said that she never wanted to see me again that we were over done. I called but her number was changed. I wrote but the letters came back to me. As much as I'd like to there are a lot of things I can't forget that war not seeing your best buddies shot down in the desert eight thousand miles from home but theo ne thing I can't remember is the one thing I swore I'd never forget her face. All I have left is this. I could die on the table or right and if I do...And if I do I don't want to close my eyes and not be able to see her face.
To get the new address call one of the magazines the person subscribes to and pretend you haven't got your magazine.
Just having a resume can put you at the top of the list.
Harrison's Unique Qualities
1. Passion
2. Sincerity
3. Persistent
Some Dads are dead just by choice.
You should love your kids unconditionally and for who they are not what you want them to be. 

If a person's gonna be a bitch about saving her life just let her get hit by the car.
Don't sit on a person's bed waiting for them to wake up 'cause it'll scare the shit out of them.
I saved someone's life I don't really care what people think. Tru
Don't go reaching for something while you're speeding 'cause that's a recipe for an accident.
A big wad of cash in an envelope smells looking to score.
You shouldn't be afraid to ask for help.
If a guy's holding a gun don't move 'cause that's a good way to get shot.
If you don't want to shoot don't actually shoot because that implies otherwise.
Always follow the To Do List.
In some remote cultures siblings are known to help one another. Tru
To prevent big sis getting into an accident on her way to score snag the keys.
She can't sing. No I mean she can't sing. She might get up there and open her mouth but what comes out is gonna be like something from Wild Kingdom. Bridesmaid.
Go with sheer, French tips are played out. Tru
Brides have so many decisions not to mention that Thank You notes.
A friend of mine once said the hardest thing about getting married is telling the guy she dated in college. Tru
No car use a cab.
Behold the irony when you come across your murderer and he turns out to be a cop.
You should tell the whole truth including the shooting part.
Look if I can't change what happened at leat I can rearrange the players. Tru
There's nothing wrong with Gerber Daisies.
The family is there to screw up the bride's day not some stranger.
Don't try to help an old lady across the street because she might beat you with her purse.

Well that's the thing he's a cop not to mention armed so short of knockin' him out and stashin' him in a closet I'm runnin' low on ideas. Tru
Scientific knowledge always beats physical strength.
Use Zinc Sulphate to incapicatate a guy which leads to hours of fun puking.
Drug dealers as a rule aren't the least bit trustworthy.

Not all cops carry a gun when off duty.
I know what to do I just can't do it without dry heaving. Davis
The saved gunshot victim can save your butt as well as save your ass from murder charges.

Sometimes a little snow will make a person believe.

Best friends don't stab best friends in the back and those that do are total bitches.
High school reunions are mean to be avoided although circumstances may step in and require you to go.
Luc's Reasons To Go To The Reunion
1. Good friends
2. Cool if slightly morbid new job
3. Med school's not that far away
4. Plus ya got a cool new boyfriend you can take to the reunion and show off.
 There's no such thing as too much cleavage.
Start with a pair of shoes and work around it.
Back In H.S. Tips
1. Just breathe
2. Stay strong
Nothing crushes a girl more than the guy asking what her name is.
A apology five years later is better than nothing.
Bygones can't always be bygones.
Don't try to talk the bitch out of going to the reunion because it won't work and she'll just be a bitch.
Hey you know what my favorite part about these reunions listening to everyone out BSing one another trying to make themselves sound all big and important. Bily
Guys actually still wear ties in this century.
Let the geek have his BS fun and don't breathe a word about his real job.
Hearts get broken and they also heal.
It's kinda tacky to push someone into the pool especially if she can't swim even if she did deserve it.
It's customary for one to thank a person after being saved from drowning.
Don't mention your sister's little secret and if you sli up make sure to cover.
Judy's Thoughts
You could have let her drown. You know what it isn't fair everyone always says Candace has things. She has boyfriends and she has monky, looks and popularity but Candance doesn't have those things she took them. She took them from people like me. I could have been Prom Queen but Candace took it. Now you ask me she deserves everything she gets.
Just because a girl hates another girl doesn't mean she'll go all homicidal.
Friendship is a two way street so stop beating your head against the wall if the offer of friendship is extended and you get shot down.

Don't throw poker games in your sister's place especially without permission.
Landlords in general are real sticklers for the whole paying the rent thing.
Uh because telling your new girlfriend you just been evicted isn't very effective pillow talk. Harrison
Keep the excessive beer in the bathtub but don't forget the ice.
A word of advice stay away from the shrimp sandwich at that new deli across the street. Davis
Sometimes it's just a girl thing.
Been there hated that. Tru
Brian's Song
I'm living out loud I'm driving through
Will you meet me there
Will you be true? (Tru)
Warn the guy away from the evil sandwich.
Sometimes all you get is an ATM location.
ATM's can really ruin your day huh. Tru
Don't break into your sister's place to avoid setting off the annoying alarm and getting arrested because you don't know the code.
Send your brother to the morgue so he doesn't flood your apartment or break into his other sister's place to avoid getting arrested.
Brian's Song
Or are we through?
Don't bother asking just pick up a rhyming dictionary.
Faking the urge to vomit can get you in the door.
If the cop has things under control don't run out of the store 'cause that's a sure fire way to get you hit by a passing cab.
Some people get ready really fast in the morning.
Brian's Song
'Cause I'm stuck in traffic
Holding a guitar implies that the guy is writing a song.
Decisions Other's Tru's Age Make
1. Grad school or get a job.
2. Order in or go out.
3. And do I really need a phone that takes little pictures.
Always trust your instincts.
Pose as a caseworker to get the scoop on the guy you're tying to help since he's theone you know stuff about.
$500 for two pills is a bit excessive.
He owes me I set up his grandma with a really nice coffin last month. Davis
Sometimes you wish it was just a bad dream.
Brian's Song
So we can start anew
It's good to have a fixed sink but rememebr not to stick the evil sandwich in it since that will just break it again.
You can change events but you can't change fate Tru. Davis
I can do things that probably no one else can something even that doesn't feel like enough. Tru

You never know who's lurking around in the dark so be a gentleman and walk the girl to the door so she doesn't get murdered by some psycho.
Valentine's Day is a sham perpetuated by the floral and greeting card industries to move products. Davis
The very single aren't big fans of the sham known as Valentine's Day.
Some people need a nice long nap during a long drive and four hours always provides nice nap time.
Some say beautiful while others say rustic and romantic.
Don't pick up hitchhikers 'cause that usually leads to badness.
When it's not your car you can't really give the thmbs up on giving some guy you just met a lift.
A romantic getaway just isn't complete without the cemetery included in the package.
Some people are creeped out by the cemetery next door especially when it's supposed to be a romantic weekend.
On the bright side ya gotta love a place that includes meals in the price.
Well the way I see it you just fix up some of these cabins, clear out some of those graves, the Pinetops Cabins Motel is Pinetops Cabins Resort And Spa. Harrison
It's sad when a person's all solo on V Day.
Don't use up all the hot water after all there is another person who likes bathing too.
If you like long showers share so you both enjoy the benefits minus the cold water.

Valentine's Day is a lousy day to break up with the person you're dating.
Happy Valentine's Day
Someone just let them there on one of those graves in the cemetery and figured they probably didn't need it anymore so...I'm kidding they were stashed in my bag.
Nothing says romance like a funny smelling bed.
You can't escape your calling even when you're off for a romantic vacation.
Sometimes you just get a craving for chips.
Get the guy arrested so he doesn't get dead.
Sometimes a change of mind is in order.
Oopsie video cameras will get ya every time.
Sometimes lying your asses off is the best course of action.
Can you believe we're in a motel with a cemetery next door and a frickin' psycho on the loose can it get any more Friday the 13th huh? Harrison
Friday The 13th takes place in a summer camp but point taken.
Checking the lonely guy's room is all well and good but don't get caught and don't eat the ashes of his wife.
Some people clip newspaper clipps like obits etc.
Carl's Story
My wife's obituaries she passed away last week. I know it seems morbid the papers said such lovely things about her.
Scream like a little girl if you find anything suspcious.
Sometimes the ones you lied to will talk and totally bust you.
Next time you break into a man's vehicle don't get into a shouting match outside his cabing tends to wake a buddy up. Hank
A guy with severe ashtma can't smoke
Sometimes the life saver is actually a life taker.
Kevin's Thoughts
My girlfriend Amanda. Never sp ent a Valentine's Day apart. She died three years ago car crash. Have you ever lost someone close to you? It changes you, seperates you from other people. They say they're sorry. They bring flowers. They send cards. But they don't really understand what you're going through. They don't know what it meant to lose her. That's why I do this. So that other people will know what it feels like. I want them to understand just like the people who love you are gonna understand.
You can't believe a serial killer when he says he'll stop killing because surprise, surprise he won't.
I gotta be honest I don't even know if you deserve to live but I do know this if you go through with this you're not just killing yourself, you're killing her too. Tru
I went through hell this weekend and for what to save the life of a serial killer. Tru
Tru On A Calling
1. Something you're destined to do.
2. Something that gives you life meaning.
3. Something that makes you happy.
4. What I do feels more like a curse.
Look you were chosen for a reason. Whoever gave you this, this gift knew what they were doing. They saw the same things in you that I see in you strength, compassion, conviction. Curse or calling, love it or hate it you are the right person for the job. There's no doubt in my mind. Davis

Recheck the sound when feedback is still heard.
Beauty pageans can be a bitch not to mention some of the contestants.
Sometimes it's better to let the phone ring and let the machine put up so you avoid being badgered by some nosy reporter.
I am not depressed I'm just single. Tru
Some guys you don't want to see when they're not so reasonable.
Tru On What A Friend Will Do
1. Someone to hold your hair when you throw up I'm your girl.
2. Need a ride to the airport look no further.
3. But beauty pageants is where I draw the line.
Don't promise the impossible.
What the boss says goes.
A reacl ouch moment is when your ex mentions going on a date with another girl right in front of you.
There are just some things you shouldn't joke about like asking for your sister's help from the grave.
Always freshen up before getting photos shot.
Just once I'd like to go somewhere and have everyone stay alive is that too much to ask? Tru
Those Q & A things can really be tough.
Beauty pageants can be murder.
Don't answer the kinds of questions you don't want to answer.
Be nice and let the guy off the hook regarding dating because he was considerate in giving you the heads up the first time around even though you'd love to have him back.
Fixing a beauty pageant for your loan shark what were you thinking? You know what it's hard enough saving these people without always havin' to bail your ass out of trouble. Tru
Most breaks aren't exactly clean ones.
Trust me men are never predictable. Tru
You can't go wrong with a red dress.
Take pizza over beauty pageants any day.
If you got it strut your stuff right down that cat walk.
Give the girl some time to think after all getting engaged leads to marriage which is a very big step.
Mentioning your ex all the time implies that you're not so ready to start dating someone new.
Remember the judges take off points for bruising.
Blackmailing is such an ugly thing not to mention a sign that someone isn't too confident.
There's nothing wrong with being kinda strange.
Never leave your computer unattended 'cause some people will take that as an invite to snoop.
Rude much but don't listen to private conversations.
I'm leaving. This whole night is fake. The girls look fake. The winner is fake and absolutely none of it matters. Jackie
You should use your own makeup remover when you go all Tammy Faye especially when the girl's a blackmailing bitch and someone wants to eliminate her permanently.
When a person tells you to leave do so and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.
What better way to kill a beauty queen than to poison her makeup.
A DQ can save your ass just in the nick of time.
Sometimes a special trait can be passed down from mother to daughter.

If your life is in danger put your daughter in the closet to protect her.
If you see someone shoot your Mom don't scream so you don't get killed too.
There's this uh new technology everybody's talkin' about it, it's called a bed. Davis
Tru On Her Father
Yeah just because none of us has seen him in five years doesn't mean he can't make us crazy.
An extra cup of coffee at the table implies that someone else is coming.
It ain't breakfast it's an ambush. Harrison
Just so the functionally literate wouldn't drink my soda. Tru
Don't drink another person's soda 'cause that's just rude and it doesn't give a good first impression.
Some people are in the habit of running late.
If all is awkward go off for drinks.
Dating one person is a real turn on for most girls since they tend to frown on the whole cheating thing.
Defining your relationship as a kinda now thing and no big deal doesn't exactly score points with your girlfriend even if it was said for your Dad's benefit and not really what you thought.
Sometimes instead of simply running late the person is actually being stabbed to death.
Be careful with coffee because getting it spilled on you isn't fun so steer clear of the person on the couch to avoid mishap.
Sometimes you have to take what you can get.
The Mystery Of Jack
A couple of years ago I, I died. I was at a scene working on a kid about nine years old, he had a gunshot to the back. We'd just gotten a pulse and I guess someone didn't want the kid to make it. He started firing. I caught the bullets instead. I remember it felt like a bee sting on the back of my neck right here. Three minutes and twenty-eight seconds that's how long my heart stopped. Then I came back. You know they say an experience like that changes you, it should make you wannt live every day to the fullest but for me it just I lost it. I knew something had to give it just didn't feel right. It uh just didn't feel right entrusting lives to my unsteady hands. I thought a change of location would help, it didn't. I'm hoping a change of vocation will.
Well some would say once you had survived something like that, that you were brought back for a reason. Davis
Talk about a kick to the stomach when you come face to face with your Mom's killer.
The Stepmother isn't always an ogre since she can actually turn out to be sweet.
It's not a good sign when your Stepmom's attacker shows up at the same party where you all are.
You don't forget the voice of the man that murdered your Mother.
Sleep a novel concept. Tru
If Nessan didn't kill my Mother than is it true that her death had something to do with her calling? Tru
What Jack Thinks Is Unfair
