Warrior Babes The Second

Witchy Dictionary


Altar: A table that is used for your tools and other supplies during ritual. It can be a table, a tree stump or whatever you have handy.
Amulet: An object made of metal or stone that is engraved with symbols and is worn for good luck, protection, or a love charm.
Athame: A double edged knife that is used to direct personal power during ritual. It is not used to cut anything on the physical plane.
Besom: A broom that is used to clear the area of negative energy.
Bolline: A small white knife that is used to cut herbs and inscribe candles with.
BOS/Book of Shadows: A book where you write spells, recipes, notes etc. Some people do one on their computers but make sure to save a backup copy just in case since computers aren't 100% reliable.
Burning Times: The time between the 14th and the 17th centuries where people were put to death for practicing witchcraft. It is believed that as many as nine million people were put to death for practicing witchcraft during this time and it's highly unlikely that everyone that was put to death actually practiced this religion.
Censer: An incense burner or other heat proof container for burning incense and offerings.
Circle: Magickal energy created by the witch which is usually marked on the floor by candles.
Cleansing: Removing negative energy from objects, people, or places.
Cone Of Power: Psychic energy that is raised during ritual.
Consecration: Blessing an object to fill it with energy.
Coven: A group of witches often thirteen people but sometimes more or less that meet on the full moons and sabbats to celebrate.
Craft: Another word for Witchcraft.
Dedication: Committing yourself to the Wiccan path.
Deosil: Walking clockwise which is done when you put up the circle.
Elements: Earth/North, Air/East, Fire/South, Water/West
Incantation: Singing, chanting to raise energy during a ritual.
Libation: An offering to the Goddess and God and it can be wine, water etc.
Pagan: A person who follows a nature based religion.
Pentagram: A five pointed star that represents the elements. It's also a symbol of protection and it's like the witch's cross.
Poppet: A doll made to represent a person which is filled with herbs etc and is used for healing purposes.
Priest: The male leader of a coven or the invidivual male that practices alone.
Priestess: The female leader of a coven or the individual female that practices alone.
Ritual Bath: A bath that purifies the body and mind before a ritual in which a personal blessing is said before getting into the water.
Sabbats: Wiccan Holidays: October 31 Samhain, December 21 Yule, February 1 Imbolc, March 21 Ostara, April 30 Beltane, June 21 Litha, August 1 Lughnasadh, September 21 Mabon
Scry: Divining the future using a mirror, a crystal ball, or a bowl of water.
Skyclad: Nude. Some traditions practice their rituals this way because it makes them feel closer to nature.
Solitary: A witch that practices alone.
Triple Goddess: A Goddess composed of three aspects: maiden, mother, and crone.
Visualizing: Creating an image in one's head.
Warlock: It is often wrongly used for a male witch. It actually means traitor and oathbreaker. A male witch is called a witch.
Webweaving: Networking with people who practice magick.
Wheel Of The Year: The eight holidays of a year. The names are listed above with the Sabbats.
Wicca: Another name used for Witchcraft that is more user friendly since people even now get the wrong idea about the religion.
Widdershins: Going counter clockwise which is done when taking down a circle. It can also be used when you are trying to banish negative energy.
