Warrior Babes The Second

Angel Quiz One



      1. What does Angel say about girls?
      2. When Angel came home who did he find?
      3. How was Angel's place described?
      4. What side is the guy human on?
      5. What is in Angel's fridge?
      6. What does Angel have to make with now?
      7. What is the name of the girl that Angel tries to help that worked at the coffee shop?
      8. Where was Angel during the Depression?
      9. What is the name of the manager that gave Angel his card?
    10. Who does Angel run into at the party?
    11. Why wouldn't Angel's key fit in the ignition?
    12. What kind of party was it too for Angel?
    13. Why did the girl wig out and run away from Angel?
    14. Who is the first Wolfram & Hart lawyer Angel meets?
   15. Who did Russell choose as his next meal?
   16. What happened to Russell?
   17. How many wars has Angel seen?
   18. What does Angel ask Russell?
   19. Who did Angel call?
   20. What does Doyle call Cordy?
   21. Where does the best brooding take place?
   22. What is the most social night of the week?
   23. What secret does Doyle not want Cordelia to know?
   24. What's the name of the bar stuck in the eighties?
  25. When do the really hot women mosey into the bar?
  26. What does Angel say he does for a living?
  27. What would Cordelia do if she had Doyle's gift?
  28. What did the guy think Cordelia's calling card was advertising?
  29. While violence doesn't solve a thing what is it on the other hand?
  30. What is socializing according to Angel?
  31. Why did Angel apologize to Kate?
  32. What do lonely people do?
  33. According to Angel what is hard to do?
  34. Who is the embodiment of all things Sunnydale?
  35. What are Angel and Oz usually?
  36. Where did Angel hide the ring?
  37. What book was Doyle quoting and what did he do?
  38. What does Angel like to do?
  39. What did Spike say about Cordelia?
  40. What does Doyle's place smell like?
  41. What's the hard road?
  42. What kind of love does a person deserve?
  43. According to Spike what is Angel?
  44. What has Spike never been comfortable with?
  45. What's the music of choice for torture?
  46. What do we all have?
  47. What's a popular Sunnydale phrase?
  48. Who runs around in packs?
  49. What's a popular Sunnydale phrase?
  50. What is strictly forbidden?
  51. What part of Spike gets set on fire?
  52. What does Angel do to the ring?
  53. What kind of certain things does a person like Cordelia need?
  54. When drinking last week's coffee think of it as what?
  55. After having a vision what does Doyle drink?
  56. Who is Doyle a little attracted to?
  57. Who plays Ronald Meltzer and what character is he on Buffy?
  58. As vampires go how if Angel?
  59. What does Cordelia say Doyle looks like?
  60. What can Ronald do?
  61. What law firm is Johnny Cochran too ethical to join?
  62. Where is stalking on the most popular sport among men list?
  63. What does Melissa find in her bed?
  64. What's the downside of being global?
  65. What's the point of whiskey according to Doyle?
  66. What is the number of Cordelia's roach infested apartment?
  67. What did Cordelia do that she has never done before that she didn't know she could?
  68. What did Cordelia use as a mirror?
  69. What was in Angel's bed that Cordelia found?
  70. What was Cordelia the Queen of?
  71. What is it not nice to do according to Doyle?
  72. What time is a touch too early for Cordeila?
  73. What did Angel give Cordelia for a house warming present?
  74. Why was Angel able to come into Cordelia's place?
  75. What was written on the wall in blood?
  76. Who is the angry Casper?
  77. What is the old lady smell?
  78. How was Cordelia able to defeat the ghost?
  79. What is the name of Cordelia's roomie?
  80. What is considered good for when asking for a dismemberment?
  81. What does Kate say Angel looks like in his Hawaiin shirt?
  82. What type of class do the cops have to take?
  83. Who noticed Cordelia's new shoes?
  84. During the training when is a person allowed to speak?
  85. What is the name of Kate's father?
  86. What did Kate's father imply about his daughter when he saw her with Angel?
  87. Who needs to brush up on their finger pantamime?
  88. What did Angel say his parents tasted like?
  89. What is the magic word?
  90. You can be a rainbow instead of a what?
  91. What two words does Doyle find beautiful?
  92. Where is Doyle's family money/
  93. What picture fell out of Angel's book?
  94. What is the name of Doyle's wife?
  95. What is Doyle's entire name?
  96. Who saved Cordelia from the vamp after her date ditched her like a sissy man?
  97. What did Richard try to do to Doyle?
  98. When did Doyle's demon half turn up?
  99. What does Harry do for a living?
100. What was Angel doing with the stake in his office?

101. What's a handy skill?
102. What does Buffy know how to use?
103. What dive do demons go to get patched up?
104. What did the Mutant Nina's blood do to Angel?
105. What food does Angel love and what does he not love?
106. Where is the Gateway for Lost Souls?
107. How did Angel share his news with Buffy?
108. What did the Oracles do for Angel?
109. Who is perfect for the commercial that Cordy wants to make?
110. When is Angel happy?
111. What word was wrong on the cue cards?
112. When do you know your own strength?
113. Who fights and who keeps score?
114. To cover Doyle's having a vision what did Cordelia do when someone was walking by?
115. What did the demon guy call Angel?
116. What word sums up the Scourge?
117. Why did Doyle get the visions and what was his first vision?
118. What is the mission statement?
119. What are all Bracchen supposed to have?
120. What is the lowest of all the half breeds?
121. What does Cordelia finally find out?
122. What did Angel call the Scourge Demon?
123. What does Doyle do?
124. What is Wesley's new career?
125. What stereotype does Angel hate?
126. What happened at Cordelia's audition for Stain Be Gone?
127. What did Cordelia keep doing and to who?
128. What do leather pants do?
129. Who speaks Kungai?
130. What brings down the price but not by much?
131. What did Wesley do with his knife?
132. How much were the Seer's eyes sold for?
133. What is always included in the price?
134. What's a perk of the job?
135. Wht did Cordelia do with the picture of the grey blobby thing?
136. What cheek was the cross carved into?
137. Who was Cordy giving the hard sell to?
138. What's the DMV totally?
139. What is the serial killer being called?
140. What does Kate find out about Angel?
141. What is the name of the Dentist next door?
142. What kind of dreams has Angel been having?
143. What kind of blood is always the sweetest?
144. What works for Angel?
145. Wht did Angel nick?
146. What was Apt Pupil Boy when he was human?
147. What makes the blood sweeter?
148. What is Cordelia too young and carefree fro?
149. What does Angel not do?
150. What did Wesley bring with his new Bavarian fighting axe?
151. Wht did Cordelia's friends Serena and Emily think of Wes and Angel?
152. Where do Wes and Angel fight termites?
153. What adds mystery according to Angel?
154. What is the point of LA?
155. What did Dennis do when Cordelia brought in her date?
156. What did Cordelia threaten to do if Dennis didn't behave?
157. What happens when Cordelia wakes up the morning after?
158. What does Cordelia end up drinking?
159. What do 16th century engravers do?
160. What does Angel not like?
161. How many girls were demonically impregnated?
162. What do we all know?
163. Where do you tend to know a lot of the people?
164. What are Angel's modes with people?
165. Whatmade Angel depressed?
166. What does Cordelia tell Wesley to stop doing?
167. What did Angel say about cell phones?
168. Who did Angel talk about when he was pretending to be a tour guide at the museum?
169. Gypsies have a strange what?
170. Where were the girls from Oden Tal staying?
171. What did Angel have to do after his encounter with the Princess?
172. Who very gracefull fell out of the car?
173. What happened when Angel mushed the coffee bag?
174. What did Cordelia make?
175. What did Angel call Wesley when he was arguing with Cordelia?
176. Who's the one that's possessed?
177. What does no one need?
178. What last name did Angel give?
179. What does Cordelia think about children rhymes?
180. What is the first step in confronting a demon?
181. How was the roast according to Angel?
182. When Angel and Wes ran into the nun at church what did she know?
183. How many thigh masters does Wes own?
184. What's the name of the store where Cordelia buys the box to hold the demon?
185. What did the marbles do?
186. When the family went home after the demon was exorcised what happened?
187. What did Wesley call the Ethros Demon?
188. What year was Angel sired?
189. What is Angel's real name that he had when he was human?
190. How long was Trevor Lockley on the police force?
191. What did Darla say about Angel when she first saw him?
192. What word makes Kate uncomfortable and what does she use in its place?
193. What is the name of the delivery place?
194. What is the name of Angel's little sister?
195. What year was Angel born?
196. Who was Angel's first meal?
197. When is Cordy's birthday?
198. Who invited Angel him?
199. Who isn't in the demon database that really should be?
200. What did the guy have in the box?
201. What is wheat grass good for?

202. Where did Angel first see Lilah?
203. How many kills did a demon have to make in order to be freed from the demon fight to the death matches?
204. Which demon's a real bully and greedy to boot?
205. Where did Wesley shoot the bookie with his crossbow?
206. How many demons did Angel kill while held prisoner?
207. What was key in making the key to open the bracelet?
208. What happens to Jack?
209. What happens to Darren?
210. What body part of Cordelia is in the picture with Rebecca?
211. What makes your life better?
212. Who turns out to be Rebecca's stalker?
213. What does Rebecca find out about Angel and not wig out about?
214. What vampire person was the on ly one that Angel believed?
215. How did Cordelia know Angel wasn't evil?
216. Who did Angel hear was a very skilled lover?
217. What size is Angel in a suit?
218. What does Cordelia keep doing while she's out with Rebecca?
219. What does Rebecca do to Angel?
220. What does Angel miss?
221. Who did Angelus never get to kill in his killing days?
222. What was worse than going to Hell?
223. How was Angel stopped while he was temporarily evil?
224. What's the first thing Faith did when she got to LA?
225. What was a bad year and place for Angelus?
226. What did Darla give Angelus for his birthday?
227. What song was playing when Fiath had her dancey fighty fun?
228. What does Wolfram & Hart want with Faith?
229. Who makes contact with Faith?
230. How can you tell when Angel is happy?
231. What is Lilah's favorite color?
232. What color does Faith like?
233. How many times does Faith bang Lee's head?
234. What doesn't say success?
235. Why did Dennis try to keep Cordelia and Wesley from going into her apartment?
236. How many basic torture groups are there?
237. What is torture always better with?
238. How much was Faith offered for her services?
239. What kind of donuts was Angel looking for?
240. Who were all the checks made out to that Angel signed for?
241. What does a detective do?
242. How does Wesley describe LA's weather?
243. When on Council business what do they fly?
244. What kind of food can Faith live off of?
245. What word should you leave off when apologizing?
246. What did Faith let slip about Buffy?
247. What condition does Wesley have with his agreeing to help the operatives?
248. What were Faith and Angel doing when Buffy walked in?
249. What does Buffy say she'll do if Faith apologizes to her?
250. What is a cry for help according to Buffy?
251. What did Wesley do to Weatherby?
252. When Faith disappeared where did she go?
253. What does Cordelia like to smell every once in a while?
254. What two things did David Nabbit say he'd always do?
255. Why did David Nabbit hire Angel, Wesley, and Cordy?
256. What do they don't do Madame Dorian's?
257. What does Angel want?
258. What does David believe in?
259. What feels good in Cordelia's mouth?
260. What does Angel look at to feel a little better?
261. Who did the heart turn out to me?
262. What was Gunn forced to do?
263. What's a choice?
264. What did Angel forget that he had?
265. What does Angel do professionally?
266. What's the name of the evil blind chick?
267. What lawyer represents the evil blind chick?
268. What does Angel throw at the evil blind chick in the courtroom?
269. Who found the evil blind chick hot?
270. What is the world designed for?
271. What did Angel throw across the room?
272. What did Liam's father do for a living?
273. Why did a surprising visitor show up at Angel's for help?
274. When does Lilah do research?
275. What happens when the amoebas find out you're willing to read?
276. Who gets their brains blown out?
277. What does Angel grab while getting the disks?
278. How was the old man taking care of the kids?
279. What does Wesley get when Wesley's translating?
280. What was Lindsey's promotion?
281. What color is David's shiny cape?
282. What aren't apocalyptic prophecies?
283. What does Cordelia plan to do if she ever meets those Powers That Be?
284. What is raised?
285. What does the homeless woman not appreciate?
286. Where does a prophecy come from?
287. What makes us human?
288. What connects Cordelia with life?
289. What happens to the Oracles?
290. Finish the line: Brick by brick I'm building...
291. What happens to Cordelia after she buys art supplies for Angel?
292. What does Wesley find in the cabinet?
293. What is traditional in the human world?
294. What does Angel do to Lindsey when he won't give him the scroll?
295. When it comes to believing what did Angel say to Lindsey?

