Warrior Babes The Second

Discord's The Name


Shut Up Already!
Why don't you try a mask with its mouth closed?
Fun To Be Had
This isn't gonna be dramatic Strife It's gonna be fun. Well for us anyway.
Blame Game
If Artemis finds out we stole her offering it'll be Strife's fault since he can't keep his big mouth shut.
I'll just place the blame on my beloved half brother so Artemis can zap him into oblivion.
I just love playing with mortals.
What can I say it's a gift.
Incompetent Boob
Those satyrs can move huh. Too bad you didn't.
Ass Off The Throne
My brother hates it when lesser Gods use his throne kind of a clean freak thing got the message.
Important Things In Life
The important thing is we are about to stir up some serious misery.
He's barely a halfwit but Strife is useful to lay the blame on should the need arise.
Sisterly Concern
Ah poor Hercules I hope he doesn't strain his little brain with all that thinking.
Mortals are so clueless. I love it when my plans cause pain.
Official Introduction
When trying to start a war get a clue bro. I'm Discord the half sister you're gonna wish you never had.
I think I can take the heat.
Timing Is Everything
Know when to make an entrance.
Mission Destruction
Chin up Strife just think how impressed Ares will be when we've destroyed Corinth.
So Useless
Oh go soak your head! I try so hard to teach him to be patient.
I just love a good fire.
I hate manual labor I'm a Goddess.
Strife is such a suck up.
Talentless Mortals
We know Ares has talent to burn but mortals are well they're mortals no accounting for taste. What if we helped Ares really sell his number you know add a touch of sizzle. Give 'em the old razzle dazzle. Work with me here! If we push him over the top then he doesn't win the three of us win.
She's good can't have that.
Where's The Fun
This tanks. Ares used to encourage me to spread mayhem and misery now he sends me off on petty errands to dreammakers.
I love surprising mortals.

Palaces are for sissies Ares this is a castle.
The Previous Occupants
They all kinda went mad and slaughtered each other.
What if there's an accident something out of my control?
Ares is such a tease.
Too bad. Too sad.
You had the sweetest deal in Olympus a license to kill. I was made for that job but would they give me a shot no not after you screwed things up. That's my problem. That and Ares always had a thing for you because you're an executioner.
Here to see your old flame? Well why not.
Too bad she didn't get to really burn since that would have been fun to watch.
I'm a God. I got the goods.
Telling a deviant not to deviate that's no fair.
So That's Why
I should ahve known Ares has thousands of children. Why are you so special? Didn't tell me you were his. That he'd been with her Nemesis. He'll go back to her like they all do and she'll never refuse him not as long as he's got you. But if he didn't have you. I've heard a mortal can drown in only a dipper of water. And a baby it would take a lot less.
And you don't want to underestimate me!
Still upset about Strife huh? He was a geek with an IQ the size of a sponge. Take my word for it he's better off dead.
Don't flatter yourself lover. I've been around since time began. You can't even begin to count the notches on my bedpost.
Well Colchis your little outing today was a complete success if you were looking to embarass yourself. If you don't find that pig your name's Mud! Let me put it to you another way. No pork no party.
Mortals can be so very irritating at times.
There's nothing wrong with a little diversion from time to time. Besides you've been such a party pooper lately. And you know how I hate to sleep alone.
I'll deal with him in my own way after all mortals are to play with and to do whatever I want with 'cause that's what makes 'em so much fun.
One Fowl Day
It really sucks being a chicken.
Not a chance pull it on some other pud. Give me back my body!
Ares has a one track mind always thinking with his codpiece.
Love On The Rocks
Life's a beach ain't it?
Someone wo knows just how it feels to be a big fish in a little pond. Gets kinda claustrophic doesn't it?
Trust me I'm a Goddess.
A word of advice learn to walk before you run.
Playing with yourself again Brutus.
There, there my little potato head I didn't mean to yell at you.
The Court Jester please he couldn't hit water if he fell off a boat.
Well if it isn't the multitalentless easily inflatable Aphrodite.
At least I don't double as a floatation device like some people.
Skip town sister before things get ugly.
Look cuz I know you're incompotent you know you're incompetent but we don't want Ares to know you're incompetent. Am I right or am I right?
I have to agree Deimos does have an annoying laugh the boob and such a sorry excuse for a God.
Bite me baby! Your new number two is definetely a number two.
That little toadstool trying to take credit. Well my dear brother is still out there which makes me want to hurl.
It felt good to punch that little work like he could ever be Ares's second in command well I'll show Deimos a thing or two.
Oh please fear and Strife don't belong in the same sentence unless it's about him being a scaredy cat.
You know cuz you really oughta try seeing my side of this. A Goddess has to protect her perogatives. Every argument has two points of view otherwise there'd be no room for discord. Think about it.
I just love having fun with my cuz the moron.
Mermaid, fish whatever!
Finding a rock in a quarry that's looking for hay in a haystack.
What do I look like to you a social worker? Move your ass.
I may play with mortals but helping one is not my thing.
Things can always get worse.
I'm not negative. I'm realistic.
I think I'll sit here and gripe thank you.
Why in the world did I ever agree to help you two bozos?
Look Hercules you know how much I hate you but right now stopping Deimos is more important to me trust me.
Close Call
Guess there's an opening in the War God department.
A Wicked Good Time
It is so gratifying to guide today's youth and if Hercules suffers or better yet dies so much the better.
Silly mortal like I'd waste this golden opportunity to do my brother in without laying a finger on him now that should score some major points with Ares.
Now, now it isn't polite for the guest of honor to be late to his own barbecue.
Well that didn't end the way I planned but at least I'm out of that box which is no way go treat a Goddess so I'll just forget this whole thing ever happened and if anyone speaks up there'll be Tartarus to pay.
